Chapter six

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" cams been gone a long time " Nash paced back and forth. " he probably found Addison and is talking with her. " Emily said.
They sat around the room in complete silence, until a ringing broke it. " hello?! " Nash said quickly. His face went straight. " okay yeah we will be right there. " he looked at everyone and his eyes were filled with fear. " we have to go to th- " Nash was cut off by Natalie's phone ringing. "Guys it's Addison! " she exclaimed. " Addison! What the hell we've been so worried. Oh. Sorry. What?! Okay. We will be there soon. Thank you. " Natalie looked at everyone. "That wasn't addy. It was a cop saying I was on her emergency list.. She's going to the hospital.. She got in a bad car crash! " Emily and Abby started to cry. " so did cam.. " Nash yelled grabbing his keys. They all ran down the hall and out the lobby.
When they arrived at the hospital they seen Taylor standing there crying. He looked pretty banged up. " Taylor! Where the fuck is Addison! " Natalie yelled. He pointed his shaking hand over to a room. They all ran in there and seen Addison laying on the hospital bed with iv's in her arm, stitches on her cheek and arm. And she had a body cast on. " Emily and Abby started shaking and crying so they grabbed each other and sat on the floor. " we are going to go find cam. Okay? " Nash said. Natalie nodded and all the guys left with him except Hayes Matt and shawn. Shawn walked up and held Natalie's hand. She sat down beside Addison. " hey are you okay? " shawn asked Natalie. He hadn't seen her cry at all yet. " yeah. I'm just glad she's not dead. " he kissed Natalie's forehead. " you're so strong " he smiled. Hayes and Matt were holding Abby an Emily trying to comfort them. Addison started to wake up. " hey guys."
" addy!! " Emily screamed and ran up to her. All of the sudden Nash ran in balling his eyes out. " guys. C-cams I-n-n a c-c-coma " he sobbed. Everyone's heart dropped. Addison started crying. " it's my fault! I hit him " she sobbed. Then her face went straight and pale. " guys.. I can't feel my legs.. Guys!! " she started freaking out. A nurse ran in and heard what she was saying. She started rolling the bed out of the room. A bunch of nurses and doctors ran to her and wheeled her to a surgery room. Everyone stood there. What the hell just happened.

Sorry this was such a lame chapter. I'm having awful writers block. Plus I'm starting yet another story so yeah

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