Chapter Ten

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~ addy's POV ~

We all sat down at some restaurant that Taylor and the jacks picked. " guys I really miss Natalie an shawn. " Hayes pouted. " I know it's not the same without them here. " Abby added. Everyone started having side convorsations, but I noticed Emily was oddly quiet. To think of it she had been for the past few months. She had a really fake smile all the time, she wore a lot more makeup than usual, and when you talked to her she would give you short in detailed answers. Maybe she's hiding something from us. I looked around for Matt. " hey em? " she shot her head up. " where's chef spicy? " I asked. " I dunno, out with friends maybe " she shrugged and looked down at her plate. She has hardly touched her food. She only does that when she is stressed.

We all put in 20$ towards the bill and left. Once I got to my apartment I started to leave again. Then I felt two hands around my waist. " where are you going? " he whispered huskily in my ear. " Emily's. " I said. He started to kiss my neck. " can't she wait? " he breathed. He started to un zip my hoodie.. I turned around and smashed my lips onto his.

~ Emily's POV ~

I took a bus home.. Ugh I hate buses. And stopped at a drugstore near my house. When I got home I quickly ran to the bathroom. I tore open the box and grabbed the test out of it. For the past few days I've been throwing up randomly, having the weirdest cravings, and I'm bloated. I thought maybe it was my period then I realized I haven't gotten my period this month. I did what the test told me too and waited the 15 minutes. How am I supposed to tell Matt if I am? I'll have to wait till he's sober. What if he hits me again with the baby growing more? I heard my timer go off and I sat up and went to the counter. It literally says you're pregnant 2-3 weeks. fucking technology these days. My heart dropped and I looked in the mirror. My hands automatically went to my stomach.. What am I supposed to do?! I'm 16 and pregnant! I mean I know Abby is but she's always wanted a baby! And Hayes did too. I didn't want one until I was at least 20 something. My thoughts stopped when I heard the door unlock. I peeked around the corner and seen sober Matt. A sigh of relief slipped my mouth. " Em? " Matt said. " hey baby girl! " he said as he spotted me coming around the corner. He engulfed me in a huge hug and kissed me. " what's wrong? You look like you're hiding something.." He said looking into my eyes. " well um.. I'm.. Pregnant. " his eyes widened. " are you serious?! " he started to smile. " Matt this isn't a good thing! I'm only 16! And you're only 17! " I yelled. " Emily, we have enough money from magcon to take care of it and we are both responsible. It will work! " he smiled. " okay.. Promise? "
" I promise. And I promise I'm gonna be here through every-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at my arms. Shit I forgot to put on a long sleeve. " baby where'd these bruises come from.. And why'd you cut? " his eyes started to tear up. " um.. I fell. And because my family's having issues back home.. " I lied. He obviously doesn't remember anything from earlier. He hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. " baby promise me you'll never cut? " ( a/n the next day at school she's feeling better than the day before even cracked a couple smiles as she walked the corridor! Haha sorry I like that song. ) I looked up at him and seen tears falling down his face. " do you think it will be a girl or boy? " I smiled at him. " I want it to be a boy!!!! I can teach him my ways! " Matt exclaimed! I laughed and walked over to our bed and lied down. Today's been such an emotional roller coaster. Matt came up behind me and put his arm over me and kept his and on my stomach. " this is ours. Our baby " he smiled before we both drifted off to sleep.

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