Chapter five

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" Taylor can I drive? " Addison batted her eyelashes at him. " of course my love " he roughly kissed her against his car. After a few minutes of that they climbed in the car. " first.. " Taylor pulled out a bag of cocaine. Addison clapped and smiled. She learned to make her own line and quickly snorted it before she started the car. They pulled away from the hotel they had been staying at and started driving. Taylor turned up the music and they sang the whole time. " kiss me " Addison said. Taylor looked at her and kissed her. A ear piercing screech was heard. Then everything went black.

" guys where'd cam go?! " Emily yelled. They all ran into his room and seen that can was no where to be seen. " he went after addy.. " Hayes said. " how do you know?? " Abby looked up at her boyfriend. He pointed to the mirror with a bunch of pictures on it. The one of him and Addison was gone.

~ when cam left ~

Clutching the picture of him and Addison, Cam ran through the pouring rain to his car. He started it up and sped away. Tears streaming down his face he started to yell. " HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN! ITS MY FAULT " he smacked his hands on the steering wheel as his tears got faster. He seen bright headlights in front of him.. It was getting closer. Then everything went black.

Ooo! Did Addison just hit cam?? Anyways Sorry this chapter was so short and blah.

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