Chapter Eighteen

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~ Addys POV ~

Cam and I took the first flight home and by the time we went to the apartment everyone was in ours.
" uh how did you get in here? " cam slowly asked.
" did you guys forget Natalie can unlock a door with anything? " oh yeah! I should've thought about that. But oh well.
" So does anyone know what exactly happened last night...? " Abby asked considering her and Hayes weren't there.
" So Cam and I flew to Vegas.. And woke up In a wedding chapel with liquorice tied around our ring fingers and signed marriage certificates.. " Abby's eyes grew wide.
" you guys got married?! " she scolded. Ever since she had Elizabeth her mothering instincts kick in for everything! I nodded and looked at cam. He was looking at his phone.
" Emily you should know you didn't drink right? " Abby turned to her. Emily's cheeks went red.
" I kind of forgot I was pregnant and maybe had a few drinks.. "
Abby walked out of the room.
" Emily.. Why would you do that?! You have to take care of our baby! " Matt looked so worried.
" I know I'm sorry " she started to cry and he held her close to his chest. Then he stood up.
" guys I'm going to bring her to the doctors to make sure the baby is okay! " and with that he took Emily and left. The rest of us looked at Natalie and shawn, they hadn't spoke all day.
" what about you two? " I asked. Natalie looked at shawn and he nodded.
" well um we cheated on each other. But we are okay. " Natalie said leaning her head on Shawn's shoulder.
" OH MY GOD! " cam dropped his phone. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was multiple pictures of Taylor and carter making out. I burst out laughing.
" what? " carter raised an eyebrow. I turned the phone around so he could see it. His eyes went wide and his face went red. Taylor looked over and his jaw dropped.
" we.. " carter looked at Taylor. They both made gagging sounds.
" what is that on!?" Taylor exclaimed.
" T-wit-ter " Cam said between laughs. We all laughed till we were crying. They went from sitting on the same couch to opposite sides of the room.
" I'm never drinking again. " carter said. We all nodded. We all knew that we would but for right now, none of us want a repeat of last night.
" guys, Has anyone seen Aaron?" Natalie looked around. We all went wide eyed and ran back to Shawn and nat's. We searched their house until we heard shawn yell. We all ran to shawn, who was in the main bathroom. We all looked at a passed out Aaron in a dress, in the bathtub. He was cuddling a rubber duck. Shawn shook him.
" Aaron? Wake up bro. "
Aaron's eyes fluttered open.
" oh hey guys! It took you long enough " he smiled. We all laughed and went to the living room to relax.

~ Matts POV ~

We sat in the hospital room for 45 minutes waiting for the results of the ultrasound and other test thing that I don't remember, because they used needles and I fainted. Emily was on the bed and hasn't said a word since the doctor left.
" Em? Are you okay? " I asked her grabbing her hand.
" No Matt. I'm not! I'm supposed to take care of our baby and protect it! But instead I'm the very thing that might've hurt it " her eyes started to tear up.
" How am I supposed to raise our baby if I can't even carry it for nine months properly? If the baby's not okay I don't know how I'll ever forgive myself. I'm a horrible mom already. " by this time she was sobbing. I rubbed her back and laid on the bed with her.
" Hey, Babe. You'll be an amazing mother! I know you will. Our baby will be fine and is going to love you. We all make mistakes. Trust me it will be okay. And we will raise our baby to be an amazing person just like it's mom. " I smiled at her and gave her a little kiss. She smiled back at me and rested her head into my chest. Within minutes I hear a tiny snore, so quiet i could barely hear it. The doctor came in and noticed she was asleep. He motioned me to come outside so I carefully crawled out from underneath her.
Closing the door quietly behind me I looked at the doctor.
" is the baby okay?! " I asked him frantically. He nodded, a sigh of relief came out of my mouth.
" But Emily can not drink anymore. She has a very bad heart condition and the alcohol makes it worse. " my heart dropped. He patted me on the back before walking away. I walked in to see Emily still asleep. I picked her up and walked her to the car. A heart condition? Why wouldn't she tell me? Is it fatal?

Hey guys! Merry Christmas!!! I love you all so much and I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas! I hope your families and you guys are all safe and happy! Remember though Christmas isn't about receiving, it's about giving. Try and do something good today ☺️ Maybe go volunteer somewhere 💕 anyways I love you guys so much you don't even know! Thank you all for reading my story! I hope you all still like it! 💕⛄️

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