Chapter four

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Addison fell out of bed when her phone started blasting the janoskians " real girls eat cake " she answered her phone.
A: Hello?
N: heeey we are gonna go surprise the boys
A: okay! Let me pack and put my face on
N: k I'll be at your house in an hour.
A: k byeee!
N: byeee!!!
~ a few hours later ~
The girls finally arrived at the boys hotel. They ran in. Natalie jumped into Shawn's arms and he started crying he was so happy to see her. Abby jumped on Hayes' back and startled him. He set her down and kissed her. Emily and Matt sat on the floor kissing. " hey guys where's cam? " addy asked. " uh I think downstairs at the bar " Nash said. " k " addy said. She had been thinking of him ever since they left. She had feelings for cam. And since he kissed her she guessed he had feelings for her. She was so excited to see him. She finally reached the bar only to see cam making out with some red head. Tears formed in Addison's eyes. She knew they weren't dating but it still hurt to see him kissing someone else. She turned around quickly and headed for the lobby door. Tears streaming down her face she ran into someone. " I-I'm s-s-sorry " she sobbed. All of the sudden the person grabbed her shoulders. She looked up to see Taylor. He pulled her into a hug and asked her what's wrong. " I s-saw c-c-cam kissing a-another girl. " she cried into his chest. He started stroking her hair repeating it's going to be okay. " hey! You wanna come to a party with me? " Taylor asked. She stopped crying. " yeah! " she smiled. Even with tear stained cheeks Taylor thought she was beautiful.
After a while of driving the finally pulled up to a huge house. " who's house is this?! " Addison exclaimed. " it's jack and jack's they are hosting the party " damn Addison thought. They aswalked in the house and the smell of weed filled their noses.
" I like this party already " addison smiled. Taylor looked at her and smirked. " wanna try something new? " Addison looked at him with curiosity. " something new? Sure " cam was kissing another girl! What did she have to lose? Taylor took her hand and led her over to the kitchen. Addison looked around to see about 15 people doing lines of cocaine. At first she was nervous. Until she thought of cam. How could he do that to her?! She loves him. Taylor led her to a free spot at a table and made her a line an then him. " same time? " Taylor asked. Addison nodded. She heard Taylor counting to three. Then all at once she put her head down and snorted the whole line. Taylor looked up at her after and smiled. At first Addison felt fine.. After a few minutes she was light headed and everything sounded like she had ear muffs on. She felt someone grab her hand. Taylor. He started walking somewhere.. She couldn't tell where. Then she heard a door close and to her surprise Taylor's lips were on hers. He put her on the bed. Addison had no control over what happened. So she just let Taylor do whatever. He took off her shirt quickly and then his. He crashed His lips onto hers again. His hands slid down her sides to the button of her jeans. He started kissing her neck roughly and she moaned.
~ at the hotel ~
Cam walked in the door. " hey guys! When did you get back? " he asked the girls. " didn't addy tell you? " Natalie asked. " Addison's here?! " his face lit up. Natalie walked up to him. She could smell alcohol on his breath. " she came downstairs to find you.." She said. " shit.. " cam breathed. " what? " Emily got up from the couch. " I was kind of kissing the waitress.. " " CAM! I thought you had feelings for addy? " Emily said walking up to him. " I do! But the red head waitress was really hot " cam said. In the blink of an eye cam felt a sharp stinging pain on his face. A few seconds went by till he processed that sweet little Emily had just slapped him.
" guys! " jack g stormed through the door. " what's wrong jack? " Nash said. " taylor and Addison are gone. " he panted. " wait what?! And did you run up here? Cause you're sweating.. " Natalie started rambling. She does that when she's scared or nervous. " hey Natalie.. " shawn walked over to her. " yeah? " she looked up at him. " focus " she nodded. " okay jack tell us everything.. " shawn said.
" okay! So me and jack threw one of our famous party's.. And Taylor always comes right? Well he did with Addison and he promised he would help clean up after. When the party ended they were both no where to be found and they won't answer their phones. "
Everyone stood their for a while.. Cam started crying " this is all my fault! It's because of me that she left " Abby ran over to him and started comforting him.

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