Chapter two

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~ at the animal shelter ~

Addison ran up to a pen full of puppies. She picked up a husky. " aweh it's so cute!!! " Addison said cuddling the puppy. She sat down on the floor and started playing with it. Cam slowly backed away while she wasn't watching. " Hi.. How much is the little husky to adopt? " cam asked the clerk. " 220$ " she replied. " you know I've never seen him act like that with anybody. He's a very shy dog. " cam looked at the lady then back at addy. " I'll take it. " he handed the lady the money and walked over to addy. " Cam! Isn't he so cute!! " addy looked up at cam who was smiling at her. " what? " she said confused. " he's yours. " Addison's jaw dropped. " are you serious?! " she said. Cam nodded. She jumped up and gave Him a huge hug and they both felt butterflies. She look up at him and he kissed her. After kissing him back she looked back at the dog. " he's gonna need food. And toys. And a bed. " she explained. " I've got some money in my phone case " she said starting to take her phone case off. Cam put his hand on her phone. " I got it " he said.

~ at the hotel ~

Abby and Hayes were watching glee and eating popcorn until Hayes took the remote and pressed pause. Abby looked over at him. " hey! " He look at her. Suddenly she lunged at him to get the remote. This took Hayes by surprise but he quickly pulled the remote away. She started to reach for it, he took his free hand and started to tickle her. She started laughing and squirming until he stopped. They kept laughing until they looked into each other's eyes. With Abby still on top of him Hayes kissed her. A tingle went through Abby's lips then down to her stomach and turned into butterflies. she kissed back and it quickly turned in to a make out session. Hayes' hands went from Abby's sides to the small of her back. They pulled away and Hayes smiled at Abby. " will you be my girlfriend? " he looked at her with his big blue eyes. " of course! " she smiled.

Sorry this one was so short I haven't had a lot of time to write. But I met shawn last night!!!!

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