Chapter Nineteen

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~ Emily's POV ~

I rolled over and check the time. It's already 1:30! I slept through half the day! I got up and realized I was at home. I through on slippers and went to find Matt. When I found him he was staring at the tv, but it wasn't on.
" Matt? " I sat down beside him and gasped when he turned around. His eyes were red and puffy, he had huge dark bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess.
" did you sleep at all last night? " I rubbed his back. He shook his head quickly and looked at me.
" why didn't you tell me you had a heart condition? " I looked into his eyes as my heart dropped. I knew this was gonna be brought up eventually. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.
" because I didn't want you to worry. It's not serious, I just can't get too stressed and stuff or my heart can give out. " he looked at me unconvinced
" still why wouldn't you tell me Emily? We are supposed to be honest with each other "
" I know I'm sorry. " before I knew it he threw his arms around me and held me against his chest.
" I can't lose you Emily. Ever. You or this baby. " I nodded and stayed silent. Being in his arms made me feel so safe. But I couldn't help but think if Skate was still with that blonde.

After a while of watching movies with Matt I decided to text skate.
E: Heey! How are you? Are you and that blonde still going out?
After waiting for a few minutes I got a response.
S: hey em! I'm really good ☺️ wbu? And no haha we had a thing for a like a day.
E: oh ahah well that's good.
S: oh? Haha are you okay.

I stopped texting and threw my phone. Why did I just say that?! Ugh

~ Cams POV ~

I looked at Addison. She was staring at the finger that used to have the liquorice on it. She looked sad.
" Hey babe, are you okay? " she looked up at me with sad eyes, then sighed.
" yeah I guess, I just wanted a big white weddings. Not one that I can't even remember. You know? " she sighed again and looked back down.
" then we will get re married. Next month. It gives you time, but not too much time! So Addison.. Will you re marry me? With rings this time? " I smiled at her and she looked up at me with a very confused face.
" okay! " she jumped up and threw her arms around me.

Hey guys! Sorry it's short and blah but yeah. I just really wanted to update! #caddison are gonna have a big wedding but something's going to happen ahah. I love you all and thank you for reading 💕🐻 imma use a bear now cause Christmas is over 😔

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