Chapter Twelve

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~ addys POV ~

The past week nobody's seen Emily or Matt. Her ex Skate came out and those three have been inseparable I guess. I feel so bad not telling cam about me hitting him. But we are so happy right now I don't want to ruin it. Abby keeps telling me to tell him. But I'm going to wait till Natalie gets home. She always has amazing advice.

I decided to make myself look pretty today. So I loosely curled my long hair and did my makeup perfectly. Cam was out with the boys and Hayes & Abby were at the hospital getting ready to bring Elizabeth home. I stayed here and waited for everyone to come back.

I heard a knock at my door and opened it to see a very tan Natalie. " natalie! I thought you guys weren't gonna be home for a few more Days! " I hugged her. " I know but we couldn't keep it from you guys anymore! " she smiled brightly and looked at shawn. " what..." I looked at both of them with one eyebrow raised. " please don't say you're pregnant. " I said. Natalie laughed. " no.. No. Um so we got married! " Natalie showed me the gorgeous diamond ring on her finger. " oh my god! Congrats! But uh I have a question.." I said. " why the fuck wasn't I the maid of honour?! " I laughed. Shawn and Natalie laughed along with me and then we went to their apartment to chill and catch up.

" so.. Abby had twins? But one died?! " shawn said with utter confusion. I nodded. " what about Emily! How is she? " Natalie sat down on Shawn's lap. " well nobody knows really.. She's been very distant. Well except from Matt and skate. " I said. " Oh my god! Skates here?! " Natalie said. " yeah ". " what about you? " she asked me. " well I was actually gonna wait till you got home to decide anything.. But I still haven't told cam.. But we are so happy. I don't want to ruin it! " I said getting teary eyed. " addy.. No matter how much you don't want too, you need to tell him. He deserves to know Hun. " she said. I nodded. " I'll tell him when they all get home.

After a few hours of talking and watching movies everyone came back. I could hear them in the hallway so I went and opened their door. " guys guess who came back early!! " they all ran in and hugged Natalie and shawn. Natalie was holding little Elizabeth and shawn came up behind her and watched how she was with the baby. They're gonna be good parents.. Me on the other hand, I can't even be a good girlfriend. I swallowed my pride and went over to cam. " can we go home? We need to talk. " he nodded and we left.

When we got in we sat on the bed. I stared at the wall. " Addy whatever it is just tell me.." He turned me to face him and looked into my eyes. " Cam.. I was the one who hit you with the car.. " I said with tears burning my cheeks. Cam backed away from me. " why didn't you tell me?! You've kept this from me for 5 months?! " he was crying at this point. He grabbed his keys, jacket and shoes and stormed out. I ran after him. " Cam I'm sorry! " I yelled. " Save it Addison! " he yelled back. I went back into my apartment and collapsed on the floor. I was crying so hard I couldn't get up. I just stayed there crying.

Hey guys! Sorry it's a shitty chapter but I wanted to update! I don't know if cam and addy are gonna be okay yet.. I'll decide that later ahah.

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