Chapter Fourteen

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~ addys POV ~

A few days ago cam stormed out of the hotel and he will only talk to Nash.. Christmas is a week away.. And everyone's being all cute in their relationships and I don't even know if I have a relationship anymore. I looked at the bed and the side wear cam slept was made.. While mine was a mess. I'm so alone without him here.
I was startled out of my thoughts by my phone playing Red cup by cash cash, that's Emily's ringtone!! I answered it without hesitation
A: Emily!!
E: Hey Addison, um can you meet me at the pier? Abby and nat are coming too.
A: yeah of course! Just let me get dressed and I'll be right there!
E: okay. See you soon!

Before I could say anything she hung up. I went straight to get dressed.

~ Emily's POV ~

I sat on the frozen bench and waited for the girls to show up. I inhaled deeply as I watched them all walk up the pier at the same time. Natalie had her hair in a bun and her makeup looked amazing.. She had a dress on too.. Abby was wearing a hoodie and some leggings while pushing a stroller.. And addy.. She was wearing sweatpants and a crop top.. " aren't you cold? " I raised an eyebrow at her as she stood In front of me. " no. It's nice to feel something for once. " she gave a weak smile. We all hugged and I went to the stroller and picked up Elizabeth. " so why did you want us all to come here? " Abby asked. I looked away from Elizabeth and thought for a minute. " oh yeah! Okay so.. I need to tell someone other than skate and Matt.. And I can trust you guys right? " I asked. They all nodded. " okay first let's go to the coffee shop over there. It's warmer. " Natalie said shaking. We all went in and sat down at a booth, and ordered some drinks. " okay, so as you guys know we have been with skate.. And it's cause matts been going to AA.. " I started. They all stared at me waiting for more. " he was an alcoholic.. And he used to uh.. Hit me.. Only when he was drunk.. " I felt tears sting my eyes. They all looked sympathetically at me. Natalie who was sitting beside me hugged me quickly and then rested her head on my shoulder. " Em, I'm sorry you went through that.." Addy started. " one good thing came out of it though.. " I interrupted Addison. " I'm pregnant.. " they all smiled and started freaking out. " OMG our babies can be best friends!!! " Abby said while clapping her hands. I looked over to Elizabeth an seen her looking at her mom and making cooing sounds. I sighed as we started to talk about everything and anything. I put a hand on my stomach and felt a rush of relief. It was nice to have my best friends back.

Hey guys! This was just a filler to try and move the story along. Sorry I haven't been updating as much as usual. It's less than two weeks till Christmas so I've been busy decorating and shopping, also it's the last week of school before Christmas break so this week is full of tests an stuff. I will update more on the break! I promise!! Love you all 💕⛄️

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