Chapter Fifteen

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~ Cam's POV ~

I've felt bad for not talking to Addison, I mean if I was her I would've done the same thing. She eventually told me the truth anyways so it's not like she didn't tell me till we were married. I pulled out my phone and called Taylor

C: Hey Caniff. I have a question.
T: I probably have an answer.

I talk with Taylor for a bit and got everything figured out. I'm going to make this perfect. I quickly grabbed my wallet and left.

~ Addy's POV ~

I've been sitting at home all day watching old episodes of Glee when I got a text from Taylor
Heey addy! Wanna go to pier with me in two hours?
Sure ahah I was there yesterday! I'll go get ready 💕
Okay ☺️ see ya there. Btw dress fancy

Okay.. That's odd. I quickly hopped in the shower. When I got out I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I was done blow drying my hair I loosely curled it and put a white bow in the back. I put on my black strapless dress and some matching converse. I did winged eyeliner and then looked at the time. Shit! If I don't leave in three minutes I'll be late! I quickly grabbed a white knit cardigan and left.

When I got to the pier I didn't see Taylor. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I whipped around expecting to see Taylor but instead I found cam. He had a tux on and he was holding a dozen white roses, But one was a red rose. He handed them to me. " Addison, I'm so sorry. I never should've stormed out like that. If I was in your situation I would've done the same thing. I never should've treated you like that. You're worth so much more. I should treat you like a princess. Which I will. I will everyday from now on. You're my reason to breathe. I love you. " he pulled out a box from his pocket. " it's not an engagement ring, but it's a promise ring. Promise me that we will stay together? And be how we are? I promise that one day a wedding ring will replace this on your finger. " he slid the ring on my finger. A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked into his teary eyes.

I jumped into his arms and he bent down and kissed me. " I love you Addison " he whispered. " I love you too. "

Hey guys!! I'm so so sorry that my chapters have been so lame lately! I'm going through some stuff and I've been very distracted.. I promise they will get better though! Anyways I fixed things with #Caddison 😏 OH! Btw thank you guys so much for almost 400 reads!! I love you all 💕⛄️

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