Chapter Sixteen

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~ Abby's POV ~

We all sat in Nat an Shawn's apartment watching Natalie and matts favourite show.. bubble guppies. It's childish but it keeps them entertained while the rest of us go on our phones. We all looked up from our screens and seen Cam and addy walk in holding hands. All us girls awe'd and the boys just smiled. I looked over at Hayes and smiled, he gave me a faked smile. He's so bad at hiding what he feels. I got up and led him to the kitchen. " what's wrong babe? " I asked him. He looked down at me with his beautiful blue eyes. " I'm scared, what if Elizabeth gets hurt like Addison did? Or what if a boy breaks her heart even worse..?" I smiled at his worry an looked at him. " that won't happen cause she will have you around. " I kissed him and hugged him. He rested his chin on the top of my head. " I love you. " he whispered. " I love you too Hayes " I smiled into his chest. I felt so at home with him.

" c'mon let's go home and put Elizabeth to bed " he smiled. I nodded and followed the love of my life to our apartment.

~ Natalie's POV ~

After Hayes and Abby left an Nash was smiling at his phone.
" hey nashhhh. Who ya talking to? " I teased. " nobody.." He said not looking up from his screen. " it's a girlllllll " I yelled. His face went bright red. " what's her name? " cam asked throwing a pillow at him. " Jessi. She's really nice and pretty " he blushed. "
" invite her over! " Nash looked over at me. About 45 minutes later a girl with auburn curly hair pulled into a high pony. She was wearing a black skater skirt and a white crop top with some black combat boots. Nash stood up and went to hug her. He bent down to kiss her and she had to stand on her tippy toes to meet his kiss. Just like we all have to. " so.. Are you guys like dating? " Emily raised her eyebrows. Jessi blushed and looked down. Nash nodded and slid his arm around her waist. " guys! " I yelled. " let's have a party! " Addison and Emily finished my sentence. " are we like spiritually connected? " I looked at them. Everyone burst out laughing and started mocking me. I threw stuff at everyone and got up. " cam since you are the oldest you go and get alcohol. And get pop and stuff for Emily. No alcohol bish, you pregnant. " cam nodded and headed out bringing addy with him. " Matt, Taylor and Nash go get food. " they all nodded, Emily and Jessi followed. Everyone who stayed started setting up, and carter was working on the music. After a while everyone was back and we started the Party. Some of the guys invited people and then they invited people and so on.. By 10:30pm we had so many people in the apartment.

Jessi had warmed up to us and started laughing and being crazy. We all danced on the coffee table until Jessi fell off. We all burst out laughing until it hurt so bad that we had to stop.

I walked over to the drink table leaving the other girls and poured myself tequila. I felt to hands sneak around my waist I guessed it was shawn. He started kissing my neck and I let out a tiny moan. He grabbed my hand and by this time I had a lot of tequila, I was stumbling everywhere but he kept me up. He led me to the bedroom. He pushed me up against a wall and started to kiss my neck again while grinding on me.

*next morning*

I woke up slowly and looked around. My clothes were scattered all over the floor. I remember little bits of last night. I remember shawn bringing me up here and we had amazing time. I rolled over and gasped. I didn't see shawn, I seen....

TALK ABOUT CLIFFHANGER! Ahah I really wanted to update so I made a kind of pointless but important chapter. I'm going to start bringing Nash into it more with his new girlfriend!!! Can you guys believe that Christmas is in three days?! It's insane! Anyways I love all of you soooo much 💕⛄️

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