Chapter Eight

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Today was the first day that magcon was going to have Abby perform with them. She was so nervous. She had been rehearsing all day.

~ Abby's P.O.V ~

Behind the curtains shawn, jack and jack, Jacob and I did our vocal warm ups. " thank you guys!! " I heard the rest of the boys yell and run off stage. It was my turn.. My heart started beating so fast.. What If I mess up? What if I forget the lyrics? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. " you'll do great! " shawn said. I smiled at him nervously and walked out to stage.

" hey guys! I'm Abby Henderson and I'm new to the Magcon tour! I hope you guys like my music! " mahogany started playing the music and I started to sing Miley Cyrus's Adore you.

~ addys P.O.V ~

My phone rang. " hello? " "is this Addison Riva? " the lady on the other line said. " uh yes.." " are you dating Cameron Dallas? " I sat and thought for a minute " uh no.. " I said slowly. " well he has you listed down as his girlfriend on his emergency contact list.." The lady stated.
I burst into tears.. " he's awake " I forgot she was on the line. " oh my god! I'll be there as soon as possible! " I ran to my keys, grabbed a pair of Uggs and ran out to my car.

When I reached the hospital I ran to the front desk. " I'm here for Cameron Dallas! He just woke up from a coma?! " the lady looked down at her paper. " he's in room 304 " she pointed down a hallway and I ran down it. 299,300,301,302,303...304!! I ran in to see Cameron laying there watching tv. He looked over an smiled at me. " Hey addy! " I looked at him but didn't say anything. " you look like you've seen a ghost " he laughs. Without hesitation I run over and hug him. " do you remember what happened? " I asked slowly. " I remember waiting for you at the hotel. And they said I got in a horrible accident. But I don't remember it. " he said. " do you know who did it? " I looked at the ground. " no they said it was some couple on cocaine or something, why do you know something? " cam looked into my eyes. I hesitated " no. I wish I did though " I lied. He sighed and pulled me down closer to him. He crashed his lips onto mine and I kissed back. " I've missed you so much " I pulled away. " they said I can go home tomorrow! " he smiled. I smiled back and curled up next to him on his bed.

~ Shawn's P.O.V ~

The show had ended and we all went back to the hotel to see Natalie, Emily and Addy. When we got there Emily was on the couch sleeping. " where's Natalie? " i whispered. "Probably downstairs at the piano" Abby replied. I nodded an crept out of the room making sure not to wake Emily up, I didn't want Matt to punch me.
I reached the lobby and looked for the room with the piano. I found it and watched her play say something. She started singing to it and I slowly walked up and joined her.

Hey guys! I have had horrible writers block lately! But I have some good ideas for the story. Like maybe after I end this story make a few sequels about the girls individually? Oh and thank you for almost 200 reads!!

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