Chapter 1: Another Battle

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~Rapunzels POV~

For the second time, Rapunzel and her Allies kept close as they once again approached the Dark Kingdom. This time however, being accompanied by an entire army tracing their steps behind them.

"This is it." Rapunzel shook as she stared over at the blue lights that shone over the crumbling castle. "Do you really think we can pull this off?" Eugene asked. They all glared down over the cliff, thinking about one who was once so closely allied to them, they were now going to have to fight. Adira readied her sword, saying "Cassandra has the power of the moonstone now... do we really stand a chance?" Everyone in the crowd looked at Rapunzel, with worried looks. "At least we have backup now..." Rapunzel nervously chuckled signalling everyone to follow her.

"Well, I'm right behind you in whatever you do Blondie."

They approached the Castle, now falling apart from the black rocks that sprouted and shattered the walls. Rapunzel carefully pressed her hand against the still standing wood door, and slowly, they crept inside. "Hmmm, I wouldn't do that if I were you..." a creepy voice rang around them like a whisper.

They snuck through the large round room, the stones walls crumbling and the statues surrounding them sliced apart. Rapunzel signalled the group to follow her through. She pushed the giant black steel door, and In front of her, a long narrow bridge away, was her. The dark domed room was filled with the jagged black rocks, and in the centre, a large, black throne, formed by the rocks. And sitting right on it, the one person she trusted the most. "You know Raps, this is really foolish of you. To think that you can defeat me with swords!" Cass smirked. "Cass, don't do this! Please, just give me the opal and-." "NEVER! Cass interrupted. Now that I know what you've truly done, I can finally take my revenge ON YOU!"

Cass pulled her arm up, and a wave of sharp black pulled up from the ground, surrounding the thin bridge. Many guards with their swords drawn tried to shatter the rocks. But it was no use. Adira reached behind her back to grab her blade, but as she felt around, she could feel nothing. "WHERES MY-?" "Sword? Why it's right over here!" Cass interrupted, spinning the blade around her finger. She then threw the unbreakable blade down into the abyss below, making Adira flinch.

CASSAN-!" Rapunzel rang as the rocks sprung up, drowning her voice out. Cassandra started to slowly encase them in a cage of rocks. Just as the top was about to close up, a small figure appeared out of the darkness, with a small dagger in her hand. She jumped down from a perch above, slicing the rock about to incase Rapunzel clean in two. "RUN!" She blasted out, everyone doing as she said. The mysterious girl sprinted to the back of the rocky cage, cutting out a small opening in which the giant army shot through.

"You can run, BUT YOU CANT HIDE!" Cassandra yelled, sprouting more rocks trying to block their path. "Go go go!" The girl hollered, as everyone exited the domed room. "No matter what you try, you'll never defeat me! I will exact my revenge!" Was shouted as they sprinted out of the castle in a hurry. "Uh, who are you exactly?" Eugene asked the stranger. "Maybe we can do intros later, but for now, we should probably get out of here." Eugene didn't question it, as hey found the horses outside they hopped on, riding off, as the evil laughs rang behind them.

Sorry this chapter didn't have Varian. There will be more of him in the next one. (Also I know this chapter was really bad, but keep reading to chapter 8 and 9, you'll like it)
                                    ~ Milo

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