Chapter 16: Betrayal

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~Varians POV~

Varians head throbbed, he was unable to make out his surroundings. The area around him was blurred, until finally, he could see straight.

"Where was I now?" He thought to himself, flicking his head around. That's when he saw her. Once again he felt trapped behind himself, only able to watch his past unfold.

"Rapunzel please, you have to come see!" He begged, looking straight at Rapunzel. That's when he finally realized where he was. It was the night of the storm. The night he was rejected, the night his father was encased.

"I'm sorry Varian, I, I can't help you!" Rapunzel responded. "Please, your the only one who can help him! Rapunzel please!" Varian could feel two guards at his sides, pulling him out of the dimly lit hallway with force. "No no no, you promised Rapunzel, you promised!" Rapunzel looked down, alone in the dimly lit hallway. Varian watching in first perspective being dragged out. Tears nearly came to his eyes has he watched again what became one of the worst nights of his life.

In almost an instant, he flashed back.

He was back in the dark, rock layered room, Rapunzel and Via trapped behind rocky bars. "So Varian, what's it gonna be?" Cass asked impatiently. He finally remembered the question, he looked at his hands, bare with scrapes, as he could only imagine what would happen with his newly discovered power.

"You know what, your right." He smiled, a grin forming on his face. "WHAT?" Via and Eugene yelled, Rapunzel staying silent.

"She's right you know. You've betrayed me. All of you." Varians hands formed fists. Cassandra's grin quickly widened, as Varian started to step towards her.

~Vias POV~

Via was in shock. Her chest throbbed in pain, but she still managed to talk. "Wait! Varian, what are you doing?" She asked, a desperate look on her face. Varian pauses for a moment, staring down at Via trapped behind the rocks.

"I would never betray you Varian. I-." "But you can't say you've never betrayed me. You have." He interrupted. Via stayed silent, looking into his eyes. "I mean, if you've been alive all this time and knew what had happened to me and dad and you didn't even bother to show up until now." Tears almost started to come down. Vias face formed into shock, but she stayed quiet, realizing he was right.

"You've betrayed me most of all." He continued to walk up to Cassandra, still smiling. "I think it's time you get that revenge that I'm sure after a year of imprisonment, you'd love to get." Cass sneered, embracing Varian as he walked up.

"Yeah, can I just ask something." Cassandra's smile morphed into a questioning face. "Why did you do all of this." Cassandra almost immediately responded. "When I found out what Rapunzel has done to my real mother, I didn't hesitate at the offer I was given." Her eyes flashed white, as if something else had happened inside of them. Varian, still having more questions, just looked up, nodding slightly.

"Well then, shall we?" Cass had an evil grin plastered, as she gestured towards Rapunzel. "Varian, please think about what your doing!" Rapunzel frowned, staring into his eyes. He had an unsure look on his face, but still said nothing.

"Are you ready?" Cassandra started to lift her hand, but as she did, Varian stopped her. "Yeah, I just need to do one thing first." Cassandra was confused for a quick moment.

"What?" She asked impatiently. He was looking down, silent, until suddenly, he flashed his head up. "Sorry Cassie." He quickly reached for the stone lodged in her chest, almost gripping it. But Cassandra was ready. She grabbed his arm just before he hit her chest, squeezing it tight.

~Cassandra's POV~

"I knew it." Anger filled her mind, as she lifted Varian up by his arm. Her grip tightened as he struggled, but his strength was nothing matched to Cass. "Owwww..." He moaned, his arm stinging. "Well, now you know what happens to people who stand in MY WAY."

She tossed him by the arm back down onto the rocky platform, his arm throbbing in pain. "VARIAN!" Via cried, tears pouring down her face as she still tried to push the rocks aside.

"RAPUNZEL!" A voice called out from behind the open room. A man burst through the doors, an army of guards behind him. Rapunzel flipped her head around. "Dad?" She ran around to the other side of the rocky cage to see the king, sword at the ready.

Cassandra's eyes narrowed, as she pulled up a new rock barrier between them. "DAD!" "RAPUNZEL!" They yelled as their voices drowned out. "This has gone on TOO LONG!" Cassandra raised her hand as two rocks came up from the ground, pulling Varian up by the arms with them.

"And now, you'll pay." Cassandra smiled, all eyes on Varian. He looked up at Cass for a brief moment, looking at her in a way he hadn't in months. Cassandra sharply lifted her arm up, a narrow but piercing rock inbetween the other two. "VARIAN!" Via cried, as she watched torturously. "NO!" Eugene yelled, pressing himself against the bars. Rapunzel still said nothing, though her mouth was open, tears streaming down her face.

Everything went silent. The rocks that held Varian up and the one in the centre came down, shining shades of blue. As they came down Varian stayed lying there, completely still, blood slowly flowing out.

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