Chapter 11: On Our Way

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~Adiras POV~

Rapunzel, Eugene, Adira, and just 10 guards marched out, on a long and dangerous quest back to the Dark Kingdom.

"Did you have to have your father be on guard for us?" Adira moaned, cutting down branches in their path with her sword. "It's the only way he would ever let us go without him. Especially with so few guards."

Rapunzel carefully stepped against the gravel path, her toes touching each stone. Her hair wiggled gently behind her, just above the ground. The group made the long trek on horseback - which Maximus and Fidella were happy to do, but still, to Rapunzel, something felt, off.

"Going on an adventure like this, just, doesn't feel right without Cass." She stopped, lowering her head down. "Well I mean we're kinda on this adventure to defeat her so..." Eugene shot at her as a joke. Rapunzel looked up at him, and wiped the smile off his face.

"I just hope Varian will come to help us." Rapunzel said, continuing to go on. "Hey Adira, you mind telling us what happens if they don't show up." Eugene kinda chuckled. "Well, if they don't show up-  she paused. - We are dead." "Oh, isn't that wonderful." Eugene moaned sarcastically.

~Varians POV~

"Hey Via, Ive got, a question..." Varian muttered. "Go on..." Via said, staring out through a trail. "So uh, how exactly do you plan on, activating my powers? I mean, the song thing didn't really work out..."
Via seemed like she wasn't really listening. "This way." She said, gesturing him to follow her. As they followed a thin stream, she turned down at him, and replied with "Well, if I'm right, you touching those black rights should trigger it..." "But, Ive touches the rocks before, and they've never reacted to me..." Via stopped for a moment, then kept going on. "I'm not sure then." She frowned, unreassuringly.

Varian sighed, skipping ahead. They continued on, taking a pass above the normal path. "Via, how do you know we are going the right way?" Varian asked after some time had passed. "Oh, I think I know." She pulled away a branch in front to reveal a large cliff, and far in the distance, a dark crumbling castle, blue lights shining throughout it. Varians jaw dropped, as he thought to himself "Wow, I can't believe we actually made it."
"And by the looks of it, we beat them here, so we'll have some time to figure out how to activate the Moon in you." Via smiled, slipping a shiny tube out of her pocket. "Let's go, we can find a spot to hide out until we see them." Varian nodded his head, as they slowly made their way down the cliff.

Sorry this chapter was a bit short, but there's more coming. Not that many people seem to be interested so I dunno if I'll continue after that. (If u could vote for this that would be awesome <3)

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