Chapter 7: Fate Changes

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~Rapunzels POV~

Rapunzel looked up at the tall ceiling of her room. She sat near her window, thinking through all that had happened. What was Varian going to do? And why would Via save her life and then lie to her? Something just didn't add up to her. Her eyes wandered around, then looked out. She saw so many people, all of them happy, and care free. "Maybe I should go check on her..." She thought, until there a gentle knock at her door. "Come in." She said, curled into a ball on her window sill. The door creaked open, and Eugene waltzed in. "Hey Blondie, heard about what happened earlier today. You okay?" Rapunzel looked up at Eugene, silently nodding, and staring back at her feet. "Oh Blondie, I can tell something's bothering you, but you gotta tell me what." Rapunzel took a deep sigh, then proceeded to tell Eugene about her thoughts. "Look it's okay, I'm here to help you. We will find a way to defeat Cass." "I dunno, I just feel like it's weird. Via seemed so confident it would work, and when it didn't, she, she kinda broke down... that reminds me of, Well, Varian." Eugene, with a frown on his face, sat down, lifting Rapunzels chin. "Look, Blondie, I believe you no matter what, so whatever you wanna do, I'm in." He smiled at her, and after a moment, she smiled back. "Well, uh, it's gettin late. You'll wanna get lots of rest tonight. Goodnight, Blondie." He whispered, kissing her cheek, then silently exiting the room. "Yeah well, Rapunzel thought to herself, I guess will just have to see what fate decides."

~Vias POV~

"Why do things like this always happen to me?" She moaned, throwing pebbles at the wall in front of her. She could see why Varian hated it down here so much, the cold, dark walls and ceiling. And nothing to invent or do, she knew that would probably make him more than sad. She turned her head, glancing out the small window. The bars shown a dimming light, as the sunset laid down over Corona. "Well, no ones coming, so I guess I'll have to break myself out." She stood up from the bed, and very quietly, pulled the small dagger out of her pocket, retracting it to reveal its purply blue glow. "Perfect." She walked up to the metal bars, and much quieter this time, knelt down and started to slowly cut away the bars. Just as she had finished cutting through the third bar, a thin figure in a purple dress approached her cell. Panicking, Via closed up the little dagger, hiding it behind her back. "Now what do you think your doing?" The voice questioned. As they got closer, Via could finally make out who it was. "Queen Arianna, your, your majesty." She stumbled, giving a little courtesy. "I was just staring at the bars..." Via said, standing up. The queen gave her a look of sarcasm, and held out her hand through the bars. Via moaned, reluctantly putting her dagger into her palm. "Thank you. The queen smiled. Now you may want to stand back." "Why would I-." But before she could finish, the queen retracted the dagger, and swiftly sliced through all of the bars. As they fell to the ground, Vias jaw dropped in awe and amazement, as the queen closed the dagger. "You know I've always wanted to try one of these." She grinned, in her regal voice, handing the dagger back to Via. "Go on, you've got a child to bring back to the light." Via happily smiled, running out of her cell. "Thank you!" She whispered, as Arianna nodded her head. Now Via had a new mission - and she knew exactly where to start looking.


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