Chapter 4: Prison

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If your reading this, thank you! This is my first fanfic, and I know it's not very good! <3

~Varians POV~

"How did I get into this mess again?" Varian thought to himself, staring out through the metal bars, constantly pacing. The other prisoners thought he was crazy - a 14 year old in jail pacing his cell every single day. He never ate anything, and was always talking to his raccoon. Definitely crazy. But Varian had other intentions. He had a plan, all he needed was an opportunity to escape. That's when he heard the sound of a tray being pushed in through the door. "Lunch is here late." He thought. Not that it mattered to him. He never ate anyway. He placed the tiny apple on his plate down for Rudiger to play with, while he sat down on the bed. He stared at the wall ahead, where he wrote all of his ideas for new formulas and inventions, all over the walls with a small pebble. "Rudiger, wouldn't it be nice, to go back outside, just for a day?" Rudiger continued to play with his snack, only peering up when he heard his name. "Don't worry Rudiger, we'll get out of here some day. And when we do, I'll free him. And I'll make sure she pays for it." Varian sighed. He mumbled this to himself every night, never knowing if it would ever really happen though. He looking down at himself, how skinny and tired he had become. "Too many sleepless nights. Too many nightmares to sleep."

Varian slowly started to close his eyes, when suddenly, he heard footsteps. They were unfamiliar to him, soft and gentle yet menacing. A tallish dark figure approached his cell at the end of the hall. "Wh- who are you?" He asked, quivering against the cell wall. The mysterious figure stayed silent. They slowly pulled something out from under their cloak. Small and shiny. "You might want to stand back kid." The voice called from under the hood. Varian stepped back, pressing himself against the back wall. And just like that. They sliced through the many bars blocking Varian from his freedom. Varians mouth was wide open, shocked and secretly, scared of this stranger. Rudiger spun around, hiding under one of the beds. The cell door creaked open, Varian in fear, asked: "Who, who are you?" again, his voice dry from not talking in so long. "Well, Varian, I think by now you should already know." She pulled down her hood, revealing a girl with a small nose and mouth, and bright blue eyes. Varians fear turned into complete shock, his eyes enlarging at the sight of her. "V-V-Vi-Via? How are you alive?" He stuttered. "Look, no time for questions, she replied, storing the dagger back into her pocket. The princess wants to see you." In that moment, the past flashed before him. "Princess- princess Rapunzel?" "The one and only." Via smiled, leaning against the bars. Everything flew through Varians head at once. But one thing stood out the most: It's her fault. You are in here because of her. You lost your dad because of her. She broke her promise. "I- I don't want to see the PRINCESS!" His voice raised, as he turned away from Via. "SHE HATES ME OKAY? AND I HATE HER, DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID?" By now, the others prisoners around had started to listen and question the rage going on. "Varian, I know exactly what you did, and why you did it." Via said, her calming voice reaching Varian. "Then why weren't you there for me? If you knew all this time and were even alive all this time, why-." Then he paused. "Why- didn't you... help me?"

If you are somehow reading this, I know this story is crap, but if you think it is, please tell me what I can improve on. Thanks <3

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