Chapter 12: Waiting

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~Varians POV~

"And there. I think we're good." They both stared at the tiny makeshift shelter, made of leaves and fallen branches, built for hopefully what would be a short amount of time.

"Why are we all the way up here?" Varian asked, curious to why they were so high up. "We're at an angle where we can see them come in, but Cassandra can't see us." Varian nodded his head gleefully.

They waited up at the top of a cliff, starting a little fire to keep warm. Sitting around the tiny fire, roasting a piece of meat for ham sandwiches. There was an awkward silence most of the time, Rudiger sleeping peacefully next to them. It stayed like that, until finally, Varian asked "So, how have you been?" Via shifted her head towards him, giving a sigh. "Mostly on the run, to be honest." "Run from what?" Varian asked, remembering the moment in the throne room. "Um, would you believe me if I told you I was a bit of a, thief?" She sorta muttered this, Varian just able to make it out. "I mean, judging by what you've told me, yeah." He twiddled his stick in his hand, trying to hold back from asking Via too much about her past.

"I'm honestly surprised you recognized me." Via smiled, looking down at the fire. "Yeah, same here." "I mean, honestly the only way I could tell was, your eyes." They both spoke at the same time. "They looked at each other, Varians face was surprise while Vias a large grin.

"I mean yeah, I get it, but, how did you know all that stuff about, the whole treason-kidnapping-robot-attempted murder thing..." "News spreads fast through kingdoms. I heard tons about 'The 14 year old who attacked the royal family of Corona." "Yeah, heh."

And just like that, it happened. Again.

"Wha- where?" But before Varian finished, he knew where he was. "Not again..." he thought, as this time, he was in he royal vault.

"Varian, I promise we will fix this, the rocks, your dad, everything, please, this is not the way, just please..." Varian remembered those words clearly, the ones he spoke before he revealed his true self, what soon became his destiny. "Wait stop!" He yelled, but knew his past self wouldn't listen. This time, he felt as big he was actually trapped back in his old mind, rather than just a memory. "No no, your about to make a huge mistake!" But it was too late.

"Sorry Princess. But I know first hand how well you keep promises." A puff of smoke occurred, as He dashed out of the room. "No no no, turn back!" But before he knew it, it all started to fade away.

Suddenly, a different voice rang. Varian! Varian can you hear me?" Of course, it was Via. He started to open his eyes, pulling himself off the ground. "Varian! Don't scare me like that! I almost thought you were dead!" She almost yelled, pulling him off from the ground. "Did I really cause that much pain?" He thought to himself. "Yeah no, I, I'm fine." He kinda stuttered, looking down. Via immediately pulled Varian up to look at her. "Varian, I'm concerned about these flashbacks. Your sure your okay?" Varian stayed quiet for a moment, then simply smiled and nodded. "Good. Now we should try to-." "Were here." Via was interrupted by a chatter of voices from down below. They both looked down to see Rapunzel, Eugene, Adira, and a small army of guards, preparing themselves.

"Shoot." "What's wrong?" Varian asked unsure about the situation. "So problem one, we haven't figured out how to activate the moon in you. Second problem, they are already here and we've got nothing. If we try to help them in this state, Cassandra is going to kill us." Varian thought for a moment.

"What if we just go down to, you know, try and help them? Just extra support kinda thing." Via turned around and looked at Varian. "Well, I mean, I guess I've heard worse ideas." "We've been in there before. The castle probably has something that can help us along the walls or something." Via gave Varian a look of disapproval.

"Well unless, you know, you have a better plan..." He shrugged, looking down at his feet, pulling his sleeves down. "I think that's a great idea, Varian." She happily smiled, lifting Varians face up. Rudiger happily bounced up, climbing onto Varians arm. Though I'm kinda surprised, you really want to help, the princess?" Varian thought to himself for a moment. "I think it's finally time i try to redeem myself." Via had a large grin spread across her face. "Alright, let's do this." Even as Varian smiled, it wasn't his full intention to help them, as he still had plans. Plans to free his father. And the plans to make Corona pay.

This is sorta fun, but there aren't that many people who seem very interested or who are voting, so I might stop. Thanks to those who are still reading though. <3

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