Chapter 20: The End?

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~Rapunzels POV~

Rapunzel anxiously waited, her eyes wide open, hoping for a response. Eugene was sitting next to her, trying to comfort Rapunzel. They both stared at Varian, lying down on the white sheets. He was still wearing his blue shirt and brown pants from earlier, though hey had been cleaned slightly. Rudiger was curled up next to him; seemingly just as worried as everyone else.

"Doctor, are you sure he's going to be okay?" Rapunzel turned around, asking a tall man. "Well it's, hard to say, your majesty." Rapunzel looked down, staring at her toes. "Blondie, give him time. I'm sure he'll wake up." Eugene tried to crack a smile, but Rapunzel just sighed. "I just wish, that, I could do something. It's my fault that he did what he did before. And now its my fault again!" She cried, burying her face in her hands.

"Rapunzel, this is anyone's fault but yours. And in my opinion, it's Cassandra's." Eugene said in his usual tone when talking about Cass. "I just don't understand! How is Varian connected to the moonstone? And why would Cass betray us?" She sighed, regret washing over her. "I don't think we will ever know, but I do know this," Eugene turned towards Rapunzel. "No matter what happens, things are going to be okay." He smiled, brushing her hair out of the way to kiss her forehead. She smiled back, feeling safe for once. Pascal squeaked in happiness, curled up on the chair Rapunzel was sitting on. "How about we go out for a bit, maybe take a walk?" Eugene said softly.

Rapunzel looked up at him, though she still didn't move. "I just wish there was a way I could help him." She frowned again, turning back towards Varian on the bed. "If only your hair could still heal..." Eugene trailed off, staring at a strand of her blonde hair. "Yeah, if only." Rapunzel thought for a moment. "Wait! My hair! It started to glow when Varian was singing. When- when someone connected to the moonstone sang it! It restored my healing powers for a moment!"

Eugene frowned, answering quickly. "Are you sure?" "Yes!" She replied, standing up. "When the moonstone and the sun drop are together, balance is restored, including the abilities that come with them!" Rapunzel smiled, opening her bag. She said, pulling out the moonstone. As she touched it, her hair started to glow. Yes! She untied her hair, laying it over Varian. Rudiger hopped up, moving back a bit. Rapunzel gave Eugene a look of certainty, nodding her head. Finally, she started to sing. "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine..." She clutched onto the stone, hoping it would work. Eugene and Pascal watched patiently. "Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." She stopped, her hair still glowing. She slipped the stone back into her bag, and as she did, her hair instantly stopped glowing. "Did it work?" She asked, pulling her hair off of him. She waited for a moment, hoping anything would happen. After a minute of waiting, she finally realized nothing had happened. "It was a good try Blondie, but I think we will just have to wait and see." He held her hand, squeezing it gently.

Rapunzel sat back down, putting her face back in her hands. "I was so sure that was going to work! Unless..." She paused for a moment. "We don't need the moonstone itself, we need someone already connected to it to sing the song!" Eugene again frowned, responding with "But Varian was the only one who is directly connected! There is no one else!" "Not quite..." Rapunzel got up, putting Pascal onto her shoulder. "We need to go. Now." She looked down at Varian. Eugene has a surprised look but simply nodded. "Don't worry Varian. I promise I'll get you out of this. I promise."

~Vias POV~

Cassandra sat in the cell, watching the sun set outside as the light faded. She was alone. Well, not completely alone.

Via paced back and forth in the cell, looking up to see Cassandra every few minutes. "What are you doing?" Cassandra finally asked, legs crossed. "Are you really going to ask me that?" She responded sharply, still pacing. It had been hours since they were locked in there, but to them barely any time had passed. Cassandra's eyebrow raised in confusion, wondering why she was arrested.

"Why am I down here?" She asked Via or to her the stranger pacing in the same cell. Via stopped for a moment, turning her head towards her. "Stop pretending like you don't know Cassandra." "And who are you? What happened? Why were we in the Dark Kingdom?" Cassandra kept hitting more and more questions at Via, who after she finished, simply responded.

"Look Cassandra. You can keep faking like you don't remember taking the Moon Opal, or trying to hurt me or Rapunzel or-." "What? I tried to hurt Rapunzel?" Vias anger had turned purely into confusion, seeing that Cassandra's was real too. "You, you really don't remember any of it?" She looked straight into her eyes, unsure of it all. Cassandra shook her head, her hands folded together.

"Heh, well, I'm gonna assume that means you don't remember what you just did to Varian." She said giving her an unsure look.

Cassandra looked up at the stranger.

"What did I do?"

And that's it! Thank you for reading this to the end. I know this fanfic isn't very well written, and is more me just trying to get my ideas out there rather than creating an actual detailed story. (If you couldn't tell) I also know there's a crap ton of plot holes and errors and stuff like that, so sorry about that. So Yeah, uh, I have no clue what I'm doing, and know that I'm ending this weirdly, but not that many people were interested anyway so :p. To the ten of you who have read this thing to the end, thanks.

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