Chapter 10: Two Ways

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~Adiras POV~

"Well, that could be a problem." Adira sarcastically moaned, as they stared at the sliced cell door. "What happened here?" Rapunzel asked shocked, observing the bars. "I guess they forgot to take her dagger off her..." Eugene replied. The only light down there were the few torches against the walls. every word spoken echoed off the stone walls, each step shaking the foundation. "We need to tell my mom an-." "No. We shouldn't, not yet." Rapunzel looked back at Adira, confused. "If your dad finds out, he's gonna start a kingdom wide hunt for those two. And if that happens, are chances of finding them will most likely decrease." "What if we call them to say we need our help?" "That won't work ether. Adira replied almost cutting her off. They'll most likely think it's a trap." "Look, how do we even know their together?" Eugene added. They all went silent. "It's undeniable that if she's escaped, she's going to find Varian. We shouldn't talk here though." She said, pointing down at the other cells. "Adiras right." They nodded to each other, then raced back up through the corridors.

"So what should we do? Are chances of just looking around to find them are pretty slim." Rapunzel moaned. Pascal then came down from his branch. "Hey Pascal." Rapunzel unenthusiastically smiled as he crawled up onto her shoulder. "There are two possibilities. Adira started. They most likely are ether gonna try to get as far away from the kingdom as possible, or they are going to try and help us." Adira pulled out her sword, staring into it for a moment. "We need to figure out what they are planning so we can work with that." Eugene said, stuffing a cupcake into his face. "You know what I think? Rapunzel said confidently. I think we should launch a sneak attack on Cass. She is obviously waiting until we come to her for some reason, so we will do exactly that." "But how will we-." "But this time, Rapunzel interrupted, pulling out a long scroll, we only have a few guards, maybe none. We'll sneak in through a different entrance or break our way in. If Via and Varian are coming to help us, they will most likely be nearby waiting, until we try to attack to help us." She quickly jotted down notes and drawings on the scroll. "Hmmm, pretty smart." Adira smiled, eating a muffin.

~Varians POV~

The sun was starting to rise. Varian and Via has both fallen asleep, but started to awaken as the sun touched their eyes. "We should, probably go now... don't want anyone spotting us." Via yawned, pushing herself back onto the dock. "Where are we gonna go?" Varian asked, lifting Rudiger up. "They'll need our help, if they want to defeat Cass. We should head back, back to the Dark Kingdom." Varian had a look of surprise on his face, but simply nodded. "How do you even know I'm really connected to the Moonstone?" Varian questioned, walking along the forest trail. "I was there, remember? And dad was too, he knows as well. And so does..." Via stopped as she trailed off. "And so does who?" "I just realized, Adira is with Rapunzel and the others." Via had a worried look on her face. "Why does that matter?" Varian asked, confused. "You know what, I think we will be fine. We should try to get over there as soon as possible, we want to beat them there." They continued to walk, brushing leaves and trees out of their way. They slowly stopped, coming up to a cliff. "Are you sure we can do this?" Via looked down at Varian. "Together, we will guarantee."

Thanks for reading! I'll probably post about a chapter a day, so stay tuned! <3

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