Chapter 2: Back in Corona

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~Kings POV~

"So your telling me that this young girl saved your life?" The king asked curiously. The long throne room was empty, except for Rapunzel, the King, and of course, the girl. "Yes! It was amazing! She just swooped down out of no where and saved us all from Cass!" Rapunzel excitedly cheered.

"Your majesty, I know it may seem hard to believe, but it's true." The young girl said in a mature and calming voice, kneeling down. "Well then, anyone who saves my daughter and my guards is fine to be in the kingdom. You may go." The young girl got up, but as her foot was about to pass through the door, one last note was said: "What was your name?" The king asked. "Oh uh, it's, um... She went on. It's Via. My name is Via." She finally spat out. "Excellent. You are dismissed."

~Varians POV~

A cold, damp, dark, cell. And that's all Varian could see. He paced back and forth in his prison, thoughts of fear and revenge flowing through his mind. The young 14 year old on lockdown in the worst cell Coronas dungeons had to offer. This is the price he is paying for his crimes. This is what it will take.

He eventually sat down on the cold, hard, wooden chained bed, and looked down at his bare hands on his lap. He stared long at where his apron used to be, and where his gloves were too. The only real light coming from outside, through 4 metal bars. Rudiger was on the floor, playing with an apple, an apple Varian refused to eat.

"I just don't understand. One year now, and no one has even... even come to talk to me..." Suddenly tears started to fill his eyes, as he stared down at the ground, watching the only sunlight peering through fade into darkness. He slowly started to lie down, Rudiger climbing up next to him. "One day, I swear. I'll get out of here. I will free him. And I will make Corona pay." He mumbled to himself as he fell asleep, the moon starting to rise.

If you are reading this, thank you.

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