Chapter 3: Trustworthy

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~Vias POV~

"Alright, I'm in the castle, now I just need to find him. Shouldn't be hard." Via muttered to herself, staring out a window in the castle tower. She looked around the big guest bedroom she was welcomed to stay in, with the long blue curtains and bedsheets, and the many books and other wonders. She sat in the window sill, staring out at the large kingdom Corona was. She then came down, walking over to a grand mirror against the wall. She stared into her reflection, looking at her white shirt with flowy sleeves. And of course staring down at her small skirt, with a pocket, perfect for what she needed. She stared back up into her blue eyes, and then looked back at her long, thick, black hair, neatly put up into a ponytail. "This thing sure came in handy." She smiled, pulling a small tube out of her pocket. She gently pressed the blue gem on it, making a small but strong dagger pop out. It shone a beautiful purply blue, and as she posed with the tiny blade, there cane a knock at the door.

"Hello! Just thought I'd, you know, drop by, to see how your doing." Via put the dagger back into her pocket, turning towards her. "I'm doing great, thank you Princess. But I did want to tell you something." Rapunzel perked up, a more serious expression coming across her face. "I think I know a way you might be able to defeat Cass. Like she said, you won't be able to defeat her with swords." "Go on..." Rapunzel said, curious to where she was going with it. "You need someone already connected to the Moon Opal in order to take control of it. And I might know a guy." Rapunzels once curious look turned into wonder. "Really? That's, that's amazing! What's his name? Do you think you could bring him here?" Via hesitated for a moment. "Uh his name... he- he would probably rather keep that private till you meet him." Rapunzel looked confused, but still said "Alright, but does that mean you can bring him here?" Yes, I could, but I'll need a bit of time, maybe later today I can find him." "That sounds perfect! Can I tell my dad?" "The king, uh, I mean, Via nervously rubbed her arm, I guess so..." "Great! Do you think you could bring him to the throne room later today." Via stood silent for a moment, then slowly said "Sure, but it might take me a while to find him." Rapunzels grin turned into a little smile. "Well, any thing will help. Cass has the power of the Moon Opal in her clutches, any hope is good." "Good, so uh, see you later tonight!" Via waved nervously, as Rapunzel smiled, she carefully closed the door.

"Well, finding him is gonna be easy, she said, pulling the dagger out of her pocket. But convincing him to come, may be a bit more of a challenge." She smiled, then looked out the bright window. "I'm comin for you, Varian."

Thanks for reading! <3

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