Chapter 6: Escape

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~Vias POV~

"Are you ready?" Via asked Varian, peering through the door of the throne room. "Uh yeah, I guess." Via smiled, gently pushing the door open. "Hello your majesty's. I found the person who I know is connected to the Moon Opal." She looked around to see the king, Queen Arianna, and of course, Princess Rapunzel. She stared around at the rows of guards, and started to hesitate. "Well I'm sure whoever it is, they will certainly help our cause." The king smiled cheerfully. Via smiled back, not sure if it was real. She glanced behind her. "Yeah, um, you can come in now..." Varian slowly nudged the door open a little more, and very steadily started to walk into the throne room.

Varian walked through the long throne room hall, noticing the faces of each guard change from strong and mighty to shock and suspicion. Rudiger was on his shoulder, and it felt like each step he took seemed to echo against the floor, all eyes on him. But most telling of all, the kings face. It went from cheery and delighted and slowly formed into anger and confusion. Varian dared not to look up, knowing what each person in Corona thought of him: hate. And the thought going through his mind:
"What on earth was Via thinking?" Although he knew this was a terrible idea, it gave him an opportunity for his plan.
"Ahem, your majesty, may I present to you, Varian." She nervously choked. The kings hands balled into fists, and he very cautiously asked "What is he doing here?"

"I know this may seem, insane, but... Varian is connected to the Moon Opal." The queen and Rapunzel were in shock, as the king was clearly unamused. "Can you prove it?" The king asked sternly. "Um yes, of course." Via stepped towards Varian, his head still down, completely still and silent, Rudiger still resting on his shoulders. "Varian, she whispered. Can you sing the song? The healing incantation." Varian took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then responded, nodding his head slowly. He had remembered it from the time the Princess tried to heal him. And that's when Varian started to sing it in his soft, squeaky voice.

Flower, gleam and glow.
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse.
Bring back what once was mine.
Heal what has been hurt.
Change the fates design.
Save what has been lost.
Bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine.

Everything was silent, all focus was on Varian, Rapunzel fixed on Varian to see what would happen. A few moments passed, and still, nothing seemed to happen. Via started to sweat. "Why isn't it working?" She thought to herself. "Well, this has been, fun, but I am a king and do not like being played around with. Especially with a brat like him." He then sharply pointed at Varian. "Guards, arrest him!" Many hesitated, but before anyone could move, Via jumped in. "Please your majesty, let me prove to you that-." "THATS ENOUGH. Would you like to join him down there?" Via stepped back, a look of terror spreading across her face. "That's what I thought." He sighed.


Everyone stopped. Varian finally looked up. "I'm sorry your majesty. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused." The king smirked, telling him "Thats very nice, but an apology won't clear up the DAMAGE YOU'VE DONE." "Exactly. Which is why I think it would be best if I leave." Varian then pulled a small pink bottle out from his pants. "VARIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Via shouted. "I'm sorry everyone." He splashed the potion down, and in the next moment, pink clouds had blinded everyone in the room.

By the time the smoke cleared up, Varian and Rudiger had vanished without a trace. The king, now angered, shouted "Arrest her!" This time the guards didn't hesitate, pulling her arms behind her back tightly, struggling only making it worse. "Via, how could you?" Rapunzel cried. "I, I just-." "Wait Via? Isn't that the name of a wanted criminal in 8 different kingdoms?" A random guard shouted in the chaos. The king swung his head back at Via, a deathly glare straight into her eyes. Via plastered on a fake smile, chuckling a bit. "Should've gone with a fake name..." She thought to herself. Well, since you have freed Varian, I suppose you can take his place." Via tried to swing her arms, but it was no use. Her long hair swung behind her, as she was dragged out of the throne room.

This one was kinda long. Thanks for reading! Please comment if you want me to make more. <3

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