Chapter 17: Defeat

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~Cassandra's POV~

Cassandra stared down at Varian, a small pool of blood forming around him. Everyone was in shock, including her. Via cried helplessly in the black rock cage, tears streaming down Rapunzels face.

After a minute of silence, Via finally spoke, her voice quivering. "Did you, really just do that?" She looked straight at Cassandra. "He was getting in the way of my plan-." "What plan? What good will hurting Rapunzel do for you? Your doing exactly what Varian did when his plans failed." Rapunzel moved slightly hearing her name, Cassandra not saying anything.

"Varian was devoted to you." "He tried to kill me!" Cassandra shot back, angry. "That was before he was hurt, can't you think back? He made a machine just to impress you Cass. He genuinely likes you. He genuinely loves you." Cassandra soaked in every word, as Vias soft voice trailed off.

Cassandra shifted a little, thinking deeply of what Via had just said. Suddenly, a voice grew in her head. "She's trying to get in your way. If you want your revenge, you must not let her get to you." The voice kept ringing in her head over and over, until finally, she snapped.

"THATS ENOUGH!" She yelled, pointing her hand in Vias direction. The pain suddenly in her chest started to spread, Via could feel it through her entire body. Cassandra's eyes lit back up, turning solid white, a small smile forming on her face. Via cried in pain, trying to stay standing.

"Well then. Now that I've taken care of that problem." Cassandra turned toward Rapunzel lifting her hand towards her. "Time for revenge." Rapunzels eyes were wide and terrified,  Eugene holding onto her. "Cass, please! Think about what your doing." Rapunzel begged, her hair still flowing around them. Don't worry. I already have."

Cassandra lifted her arm up, sending rocks to move and change colour. "Goodbye, Rapunzel." She swiftly but sharply lifted her arm up. Rapunzel braced herself, still holding onto Eugene. They stood there for a moment, ready for anything. But as they stood there in the silence, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing.

"Why isn't it working?" Cass shouted, trying to pull the rocks up. "Because, they are in my control now." They opened their eyes, to see Varian, on his knees, holding his own hand up. The other one covered his chest, blood pouring out from the blue stained shirt. His hair had returned to white and blue, flowing with energy.

~Varians POV~

The white faded from her eyes, as she yelled "What?! How are you-?" "Alive? I'm asking that myself." Varian tried to smile, standing up from off his knees. He lifted his arm down, causing many rocks to shift and change. He didn't know why he was smiling, but he knew for once in a long time, he was doing something right. Cassandra stepped back, in shock of what was happening. He quickly brought down the barrier around Rapunzel, as they ran to his aid. As they came closer to him, Rapunzels hair started to lift up just as it did when they first approached the moonstone, but not to her surprise.

The rocks around the king also came down, but as they did the king nor any of the guards took a step. Their jaws dropped, in awe of what was happening.

He carefully brought the rocks around Via too, to see her lying there. Tears streamed down his face for a moment, as he continued to change the rocks. They all came up and down obediently, glowing shades of blue as if they had found their rightful master. "Why would you help them? They all betrayed you!" "And so did you, Cassie." His eyes turned white, finally gaining full control. "And you hurt Via so, I think it's time you finally pay." He smiled.

Cassandra didn't hesitate. She finally started to move, trying to run away. Varian quickly reacted, pulling rocks up to block her. He continued to do this, until finally she was trapped, behind a similar rock wall. Rapunzel smiled, her hair still flying up as she walked towards her. Cassandra pressed her back against the rocky wall, surrounded at all angles. "It's over, Cass." Cassandra didn't struggle, knowing it would only make things worse for her. Rapunzel looked over at Eugene to signal him. He immediately got it, bracing himself. Rapunzel, her hair flowing behind her, very carefully grabbed the moonstone from her chest.

And right on cue, a bright white flash occurred.

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