Chapter 19: Home

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~Adiras POV~

"That's what I want to know." Adira replied. Rapunzel gave a look of concern, running up to her father. Adira And Rapunzel has fallen behind the group, Maximus staying behind too. "Hey Max!" She called out. The agile horse peered up, coming to the princesses aid. Rapunzel hopped on, riding him up to her father. "Dad! Where's Via?" She asked. They both stopped, as Rapunzel stood patiently. "I'm not sure, maybe she left?" The king had a confused tone in his voice, as the captain overheard their conversation, he avoided contact.

Rapunzel looked down, wondering where the girl could have gone. Adira had a strange look in her eye, finally catching up to the group. "I think I'll go now." She slipped Vias dagger back into her pocket. "I'll go find her, besides, I know how she got here in the first place." Adira turned to her side, giving the princess a smile. Rapunzel returned it, though curious, as Adira slipped though into forest.

~Rapunzels POV~

"I hope you know that they are both still criminals." The king said in a serious tone, pointing at Varian. He was still unconscious, wrapped in bandages. "And above all they will first have to atone to their crimes before I consider anything else." Though said in his usual deep voice, he smiled . "I- I'm just questioning a lot of my decisions." She had a nervous expression, rubbing her neck slightly. "I mean, I thought Varian didn't want to go near me ever again, which is why I never visited him. But he just saved all of us, and, I don't know." She looked down a regretful face coming on. She looked back up, the path ahead of her now clear and rock free, the sun still coming up.

"I just hope he will be okay."

~Ariannas POV~

The queen sat on her bed, starting to question whether telling him was a good idea. It had been 5 days since Rapunzel had first left to try and stop Cassandra, and 3 since the king had left. There was no word from anyone, and Fredric had insisted on bringing almost the entire royal guard. Arianna frowned, wishing she had gone with them.

She sighed, hoping that everyone was alright. And even more so, she had hoped that her stubborn husband would see something in Varian. Ever since that night, Fredric has refused to believe anything Varian could do was good. She lied down, reaching for a book on her nightstand. As she opened the pages, she could feel a wave of regret wash over her. "I should have checked on him. Should have said hi." She sighed sitting up against her pillows. "Nows not the time for regrets," She thought to herself. "I just hope they will all be okay." She put the book aside, slowly closing her eyes. "Too many nightmares. To many thoughts to sleep."

The queen opened her eyes to see it was the next morning. She yawned, slowly getting out of the bed. She got dressed and ready, for with her husband gone she was in charge. She walked outside through the castle halls. Everything was quiet. Many servants bowed and curtseyed as she walked by, but nothing was spoken.

After what felt like hours of aimless wandering, she heard a noise. Like a crowd of people. The queen quickly pressed herself against a nearby window.  She smiled, dashing back around the castle to get outside. "Rapunzel! Fredric!" She shouted, stepping down the large stairs in front quickly but neatly. "Mom!" Rapunzel cried, closing in a hug. The king marched over, kissing his wife, and joining their hug. Eugene and the army of guards soon followed after.

"Princess, we should go quick. I don't know how long he'll last." A guard said from behind, making Rapunzels smile fade. The queen gave off a confused look, unsure about what had happened. The guard gently carried Varian inside, Rapunzel closely following. The queen gasped at the sight of him; his chest bandaged heavily, his blue shirt stained with blood. "What, what happened?" She asked, almost startled. "Mom, I'll explain everything later but he needs help."

Arianna hesitated for a moment, thinking for the briefest moment "The boy who kidnapped me and tried to kill me needs help?" But as soon as the though came in, it wiped out, just looking at her husbands face of concern. If Fredric is worried about  him, then she definitely was too. The queen nodded, following them inside.

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