Chapter 13: Arriving

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~Rapunzel POV~

"Do you see them anywhere?" Eugene asked, almost frightened by the darkness. "Not that I can see." Adira looked around, trying to see through the thick forests and crumbling castle surrounding them.

It was dead quiet. They heard nothing except for a breezy wind. "So Adira, hehe, about what happens if they don't come again." Eugene laughed, a scared look on his face. "Cass has been waiting for us to come. Without something we know is connected to the Moonstone, I don't know if we can defeat her." Rapunzel said silently. "Do we turn back?" A random guard from behind asked. "We've come all this way. They, they could still be out there. Maybe their just waiting till we go in." She nervously hoped.

The guards exchanged looks, even Pascal looking terrified, as Adira said "Its your call Rapunzel. We go in, or we back out." Rapunzel stared at her surroundings, hearing the echoes from inside the castle. "We've come all this way, we might as well try."

Everyone nervously entered the collapsing building, the echoes of laughter ringing ahead of them.

~Vias POV~

"Almost there." Via whispered, helping Varian slide down the rocky ledge. "Can you see them?" Varian whispered, as he carefully slid down, Rudiger on his shoulder. Via glanced over a tangle of bushes and vines to see the group entering the castle. "Their going in, we better hurry." She started to make her way over, but Varian stayed put. Rudiger  held tight onto his shoulder, also staring at her. But how do we get in without Cassandra seeing us?" Via didn't need time to think, as she already had an answer. "I know exactly where."

She gestured for him to follow her, as they snuck by the entrance against the side wall. "Follow me!" She whispered, a smile on her face, she pointed up at a long set of vines, leading to a small opening in the wall. "Uh doesn't this look, dangerous?" Varian gulped as she started to climb. "Listen, She said. I know this is tough, but you need to trust me?" Varian thought for a moment, smiled, and let Via help him up.

~Adiras POV~

"Alright, third times the charm." Rapunzel carefully and quietly opened the throne room door. What they saw amazed and shocked her. The large open room now had a black rock floor, so it was no longer the thin, narrow bridge in the centre. The whole room looked almost like a grand room in a mansion, black rocks sprouted from all angles, shining, glowing blue spontaneously.

The group carefully and silently crept in, not wanting to alert Cassandra. Although she knew it would not trigger any more, Rapunzel still kept her hair as far away from the rocks as possible, just in case.

And of course, in the centre of it all, the same large, black, rock throne sprouted up from the middle, where the Opal was once. This time however, Cassandra was nowhere to be found. "Uh, Blondie? What are we trying to do here?" But before Rapunzel could respond, an evil laughter bounced off the walls toward them. "She's here." Adira watched, drawing her sword.

"Hmm, come again Raps?" The voice rang. "You know, is run if I were you." "But we aren't like you Cass! Not anymore..." Rapunzels voice started to fade, still checking around her. Pascal closed his eyes in fear, the guards also quaking. "Listen here, Raps." Their eyes were quickly drawn to the middle, Cassandra finally revealing herself. "I didn't want to do this. But I need this satisfaction. I need justice to be served." She came out from behind the black crystal throne, all eyes on her, Adiras lip curled. Cassandra was in her black outfit, scales  pulled onto her, a blue stripe running around her torso, with the Moonstone, lodged into her chest.

"Cass, you don't have to-." "BUT I DO!" She yelled, interrupting. "Do you even understand what you did to me? I had no one, no one I could truly say was mine. Your the one WHO CAUSED THAT!" She shot a line of rocks, almost hitting them, but shrinking back down before they did. "And now, your gonna pay."

Sorry about Rudiger and Pascal, kinda forgot about them a bit. I'll try to keep them in this story.
P.S. Still not sure if I'll finish this but for now it's still fun so <3

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