Chapter 14: Crossed Paths

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Thank you to the people still following this story! <3

~King Fredricks POV~

"They should already be back by now." The annoyed king paced the tall bedroom, while Queen Arianna sat quietly on the bed, reading a book. "Oh give it a rest, sweetheart. The trip to the Dark kingdom took near months last time." "Yes but they said it would take them far less time, they should already be back." The king sighed, sitting down next to the queen.

"They will be fine Fredrick. Besides, they have extra help now." But as those words slipped through her mouth, she immediately regretted it. "What do you mean "extra help?" The Queen, sewing no way out of it, told the restless king truth. "Well, all I'm saying is that with Varian and-." "WHAT?" The king yelled, staring at the queen.

"Varian is dangerous! She is in trouble, I need to go after her." "They'll be fine, besides, they have Via helping too, so I'm sure they will-." "Excuse me?" He interrupted. The queen suddenly went quiet, not wanting to anger him anymore. "Are you telling me that Via is not locked up in the dungeon." The queen had an almost guilty look on her face, turning pale. "That's it. I'm going after Rapunzel. Who knows how much trouble she's in now."

~Adiras POV~

"Cass please! I don't know what I did to you! Please just tell me!" Rapunzel begged with the revenge driven Cassandra. She started to walk up to her, her hair tied back flowing behind her. "You don't understand?" Cass angrily shouted.

"Blondie what are you doing?" Eugene nervously asked. "I need to reason with her." "REASON WITH ME?" She yelled, her hands in fists. "BECAUSE OF YOU, MY MOTHER ABANDONED ME!" She pulled her hands down, sending a chain of rocks to burst out of the ceiling. Rapunzel shielded herself with her arms, still trying to get to Cass.

"Cass, why can't we talk? Please, it's never too late. Cass stood silent for a moment. Everything was quiet. While they all stood waiting for an answer, Adira only thought one thing- "I need to get my sword back."

But I'm that moment, a figure from above cane down, from the same perch as before. But this time, there were two. Via jumped down from the ledge, dagger out at the ready. Varian has followed, clumsily staggering once he landed. "Perfect." Adira thought to herself.

~Varians POV~

"You guys came back!" Rapunzel smiled, almost wanting to hug them. "Well, we couldn't let you guys die on your own." Via laughed. The guards behind them had their eyes on Varian, a piercing stare at the boy. Varian noticing this, slid behind a rock, Rudiger still on his shoulder.

"Hmm, who's this?" Cass grinned. She immediately recognized one face, but the other one was new. "Varian?" She muttered, confused. "Oh so uh, that's what you meant when you said 'defeat Cassandra." He stuttered, staring at Cass with the Opal in her chest.

Cass regained focus, back onto Rapunzel. "I don't know why here, but if you cane to help, good luck! Behind this all, Adira crept up to Via. "Can I borrow that?" She asked, pointing at the dagger. Via hesitated for a moment, the nodded handing it to her. "Thanks." Adira then ran off in the other direction. "Adira where are you-?" But in that same moment, Adira jumped of the rocky platform into the abyss below. "ADIRA!" Everyone yelled, Via running over, looking out.

"Not very wise to lose you're best fighter so fast." Cassandra snickered, sending rocks up on the sides, making sure Adira could not get back up. "CASSANDRA!" Rapunzel hollered, But just as she did she summoned a wall, blocking the guards behind them.

Cassandra then summoned a large but visible through wall, sprouting up and surrounding them Rapunzel. Eugene quickly started to try and climb it. Look familiar? Cassandra grinned. You know, I didn't ever want to do this, but thanks to him, I can now finally do what I've wanted to do to the one who ruined my life!"

Via quickly tried to jump up to Cassandra, but was stopped by a wall of blue shining rocks. "No!" She yelled, but within a second, she had cast a barrier around her, Via being able to just barely see through the bar like rocks.

Via swiftly reached for her dagger, only to remember Adira had taken it. "Shoot!" She yelled, then trying to pry the rocks apart. Obviously, that didn't work. She panted, still struggling, when suddenly Cass has a look in her eye.

"You know what? Time to try something different." She spread her hand or towards Via. "I don't know who you are or why you tried to stop me, but your clearly in the WAY!" And that's when something very unexpected happened. She began to sing.

"Wither and decay
end this destiny.
Break these earthly chains,
and set the spirit free,

The spirit free."

She pointed directly at Via, who started to feel pain. Immense pain. She clutched onto her chest, falling to her knees. Cassandra just smiled, staring at her. "VIA! Rapunzel yelled, tying to reach through the rocks. When she finally stopped, Via was laying on the ground, looking almost lifeless. Varian watched on, seeing the one person he had known his entire life who he trusted the most, just, lying there. A small voice started to ring through his head. Face Your Destiny Varian.

"And now, it's your turn." Cassandra turned and looked straight into Rapunzels eyes. Eugene was behind her, holding on to her, while Pascal shivered on her shoulder. "Finally, I can have the revenge I was waiting for." As she lifted her hand, before she could start singing, something came out of the darkness.

"Stop." They all turned, to look at Varian, coming out from behind a rock. Rudiger slipped off his shoulder, as he slowly stepped out. "Varian? What are you-?" "I said stop."

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