Hoseok's Departure

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Jimin's POV

Today was it. Today was the day. The day it would happen. The day Hoseok would be transferring. Even worse it was to a school on the other side of the city. I remembered all the happy times the four of us shared together and almost wept. We had been best friends for all of our lives. Why did he have to go. Why did he have to leave us. Now I was stuck with a Kookie and an alien.


The Kookie's not bad though.


It was the I decided.... For the rest of my time at this school I should make the most of it. Of course I will miss Hoseok a lot. He was my confidant. My best friend. I hoped and prayed that Hoseok would make some new friends at this school. I also hoped and prayed that he wouldn't forget us.

He was the first person I told I was gay.
The first person I told about my crush on Kookie.
The first person I pushed into the sea when we went to the beach.
He was my best friend.


I slowly but surely dragged myself out of bed. Untangling myself from the sheets.

Me, Kookie and Tae were planning to see him off. You know..... Wish him luck in his new school.

He would be missed.

When I arrived at the train station everyone else was already there. Hoseok smiled sadly as I approached the group.

Tearful hugs were exchanged.
So were tearful goodbyes.

Praying for the day that our hope would return. I think I cried the most out of all of us. I felt the tears rilling down my cheeks and wiped them away furiously.

Tae and Kookie had come to terms with the fact that our friendship with Hoseok would be on a text only basis.....but me......I missed him so much.

Kookie hugged me and suddenly my world felt so much brighter.

OK..... This isn't too bad. I slowly admit to myself. I'll call Hoseok later I thought as Kookie and Tae dragged me to science.

Our science teacher smiled at us all before starting the lesson. She was wearing a bright pink hoodie.

The lesson droned on and on and never seemed to end. I was too busy thinking everything through.

My crush on Kookie.

Hoseok's Departure.

What life would be like now!

As I was walking through the corridors these were the thoughts the possessed my mind all day long.

Every thought.
Every feeling.
It was all negative.

However even when my world seemed to collapse beneath my very feet, Kookie was there. Not the edible kind.

My Kookie.

Jeon Jungkook

All day my mind has been nothing but an abyss in which had only been filled with depressing thoughts. I had only one beacon of hope, him.
He was so much more than a depressing thought. He seemed to be the only thing within my own mind that made me smile.

Stood right in front of ne was not Kookie
It wasn't even a depressing thought.
It was unrequited love!

A/N Poor Jimin.
Thanks for reading.
Remember to read book one. Just Let Me Love You~ ♥

- losthobi

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