Taehyung's Plan

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Narrator's POV

It was in that very position, asleep on the floor that Jimin's mum found them......with the front door wide open. She slowly approached the door being careful not to wake them up. She slowly closed the front door, covered them over with a blanket from the living room and retreated up the stairs to go to sleep. Needless to say, she was quite confused.

Jimin's POV

I woke up in the very position that I fell asleep. That was when everything came flooding back into my memory. Kookie loved me!! Kookie was officially my boyfriend. I was so happy. So joyful. There was nothing today that could possibly dampen my spirits.

I stood up from the floor being careful not to wake my Kookie, before walking to the kitchen to make us both bowls of cereal. Just as I was making Kookie's bowl he stumbled into the kitchen. He was obviously not a morning person by the look on his face, but it brightened when he saw me. He hugged me tightly as I attempted to hand him his bowl.

We smiled brightly at each other. God his smile was contagious. We both realized it was the weekend and we were free to do whatever we want. We could spend the day together... Just me and Kookie. Well... Me, Kookie and Tae. We could tell him about our relationship. I sent a few texts to Hoseok telling him about mine and Kookie's newfound relationship.

We decided to head to Tae's house. Tae had been looking at us with a suspicious smile all week so I was kind of nervous about this.

At least we could tell Tae all about what happened yesterday. Tae had no idea that I was even in love with Kookie. Hoseok and mum were the only people I ever told. Except Jin and you all know what happened there.

We knocked on his red door, which was no where near as fabulous as the turquoise door on my family home, and waited for him to answer. When he finally answered we burst through the door with a fabulous finesse about us.

Tae grabbed us both, shoved us into the living room and blocked the door with a dining room chair.

"You're not leaving until you're together" he screamed through the door.

"We are" we yelled in unison.

"I don't believe try you" he screeched back.

How the hell are we going to get out of here?

A/N Thanks for reading.

- losthobi

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