Nosey Boys

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Jimin's POV

Another day. Another day I get to see my Kookie. I'm not having a cup of tea. I'm talking about a person believe it or not.

Since I had come to terms with the fact that I was in love with Kookie..... Well, life was good! Kookie and I are best friends again. I haven't told him how I feel, I'm trying to move on. I'm happy though. Kookie and I were best friends what more could I ask for?

Hoseok's friend had also decided to send me another text.

Jin: Hi!

Jin: Oi! Jamless. Answer me!

Jimin: Hi!

Jimin: Sorry I didn't reply. I was thinking...

Jin: about?

Jimin: You're very nosey!

Jin: I know! Tell me!

Jimin: Love.

Jin: My one true love is pink... And Namjoon too I guess.

Jimin: Namjoon?

Jin: He's my boyfriend.

Jimin: Congrats.

Jin: Thanks... Now, what about love where you thinking about?

Jimin: I'm in love with my best friend.

Jin: B*tch tell him.

Jimin: I'm scared.

Jin: I will beat you! Give me his number.


Jimin: You scare me!

Jin: I know! I'm calling this guy!

Jimin: Why?

Jin: Poor boy! You really don't know do you? That's why I must do this!

I was left in shock as Jin stopped texting him. On the otherside of the corridor I saw Kookie. I heard his phone ring. I saw him pick up.

It was a spur if the moment decision. I don't what came over me but I decided to rugby tackle Kookie to the floor, I grabbed his phone and left him in a shocked state on the floor. I hung up the moment I saw Jin's number, handed the phone to a very confused Taehyung and made my way to English.

For the rest of the day I kept one very nervous eye on Kookie's phone and even my own. Jin scared me. Every time Kookie's phone rang I immediately snatched it out of his hand, checked the number and handed it back to him. Kookie was merely looking at me in complete and utter confusion. Tae must've thought I'd gone insane.

I knew I couldn't protect myself from Jim's phone call for long. Eventually Kookie would have to go home and id no longer be able to stop the inevitable phone call.

I didn't even know what Jin wanted to say. Knowing hin though....well let's just say I was desperate to stop this phone call.

Once I got home I sighed knowing I could no longer prevent the dreaded call. I even got a text from Jin saying:

Jin: Phone call complete!

Jimin: F*ck You.

Jin: Trust me. You'll be thanking me!

Jimin: what?

After that Jin didn't reply. I was ..... Confusion!!



- losthobi

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