The Introduction

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Jimin's POV.

Tae refused, again and again, to introduce us to his friend. He was being way too possessive. He's one hundred per cent gay so it wasn't romantic or anything. He just didn't want her to stop being his friend.

That was when Jin suggested that we take matters into our own hands. Jin didn't like the idea of Tae hiding one of his friends from us.

That was why on Monday morning he ran up to Grace, who was conversing with Tae, grabbed her hand and dragged her in the direction of our friendship group.

Tae grabbed onto her other hand and tried to drag her back but Jin was relentless. Poor girl. This looked like some medieval form of torture. I ran towards the two and released the grips they had on her hands.

"Are you OK?" I asked concerned as she held her arm in support. They really were being quite forceful.

"Rude" she muttered glaring at The. I chuckled when I saw the look on her face. She was rather amusing.

Kookie hugged her tightly causing me to laugh at his antics.

"You looked hurt" he spoke, "I thought a hug would make you feel better" I "awwwed" whilst Grace just stared at us. It was then that I realized she didn't know who the f*ck we were!

"Oh! I'm Jimin, Tae's friend" I held out my hand for her to shake, which she did. Then Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoom, Jin and Kookie all introduced themselves, rather enthusiastically might I add, whilst Tae sat sulking in the corner of the corridor.

The Tae came up to us and screamed "There you've met her! Happy!"

He then dragged her off down the corridor to where BamBam was stood.

Poor girl. She's being dragged all over the place today! She was in all our classes so its not exactly like he could stop our friendship. She seemed cool based off of all that The had told us about her.

Jin had already begun planning operation het a new friend. He had even begun listing possible people he could set her up with. He was even already planning the sleepovers. The advice he would give her if she was ever in trouble.

Namjoon chuckled at Jin's actions before putting his arm around his wide shoulders and escorting him diwn the corridor. I looked at Kookie who looked very excited at the prospect of having a new friend. I loved his smile so much.

" Jimini-ah that girl seemed nice didn't she?" Yoongi asked.

" God damnit Yoongi were having a moment " I yelled.

He quickly put his hands up in surrender and retreated back to where Hoseok was stood on the other side of the corridor.

Kookie just laughed at the absurdity of what had happened before pulling me into a hug.

Time skip: 2 Days.

It was the weekend. Grace had become best friends with us all and Jin insisted that she move in.

Well.... Let's just say Grace's mother wasn't exactly Jin's biggest fan anymore. She moved in and Jin and her are currently in the kitchen. He was trying ti set her up with one of Sehun's friends.

Whilst that chaos was happening me and Kookie had decided to spend the day together.

"Why do I have to go out with him" we heard Grace yell, stressing the I.

"Because I said so" we heard Jin shout back.

So.... Me and Kookie decided to start the day by going to a local cafe for breakfast.

Our highschool lives were coming to an end. We all lived together so it wasn't really a problem, but it did mean that we now had to find jobs, university's and various other things essential to life outside school. Such as rent money.

We had all been thinking very hard about what we wanted to do when we leave. I already knew me and Hobi were going to be dance teachers at one of the local dance studios but our futilures had been the only topic on our minds all week.

When we reached the cafe we sat in our usual booth and ordered our usual meal. Kookie seemed quite nervous. It was adorable.

"Hyung?" He said shyly.

"Yes?" I questioned, slightly confused as to why he'd be so nervous.

"Nevermind" he immediately returned. My mind went insane. What was he going to say!?

Did he not love me anymore!?!?

I immediately backhugged him causing our waitress to look at us in surprise and Kookie to look at me in shock. He turned around and hugged me properly. I was resting my head on his shoulder. We stayed like us until our wary waitress brought us our food. Keep moving beach.

Then after breakfast we went to do some dancing at the local dance studio, then we went to the cinema, then we went to go get dinner. Kookie seemed very hesitant in everything he did. I was worried about him. We ate our dinner and was about to go home to spend the rest of the day watching films in our pj's. It was the perfect day. I wa so happy. I loved Kookie with all of my heart. I knew I would live him forever. I was ready to go home to the perfect end to our perfect day. I had even already chosen the films before we'd left that morning but Kookie had other ideas.

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