Grace Was Added

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Jimin's POV

The entire week Jin and I had been planning. Kookie helped too but Jin kind of took over. We planned the colour scheme, picked a date etc. The scheme would be blue and white at the venue and red and white at the reception to represent mine and Kookie's favourite colours. Jin did want pink but I used the last bit of control I had to say no!

"You can have pink when you marry Namjoon, I said making Jin flush red at the idea of marrying his love.

Grace was also quite excited about her date with Chanyeol tomorrow. Jin had provided her with the blue hoodie required for the date although he was slightly disappointed his friend didn't follow in his footsteps.

She was trying her best to help with her "SHIPS" wedding plans but this wasn't her thing. If she and Chanyeol get married she'd probably make him plan the whole thing. Or he'd take over for fear of what shed turn the wedding into. Probably some kind of anime comic-con. You can practically hear Jim's future eye rolls.

I then suddenly realized something. We never added Grace to the group chat.

Jimin has added Grace F to the chat.

Jimin has changed Grace F's nickname to Grace.

Grace: Hi!

Jimin: before you say it I know you're just in the kitchen but we hadn't added you to the chat yet!

Grace: .... All I did was say hi!

Jimin: oh.

Grace: That's my catch phrase!

Jimin: Lmao.

Jimin: You do say that all the time.

Jin: She does!

Tae: She really does!

Hobi: I second that!

Let me sleep: I agree!

Kookie: Same.

Namjoon: Accurate.

Grace: Why is everyone ganging up on me!?

Grace: Jk Jk.

Kookie: Jungkook* Jungkook* You called!

Jimin: Lmao.

Grace: Lol XD.

Tae: Sehun says Chanyeol's excited.

Grace: Really!

Tae: Yep.

Grace: Thank you! I love you!

Jimin; What about me?

Grace: What about you?

Let me sleep: You are savage.

Let me sleep: You are now my best friend. Not Tae's.

Tae: 😐

Jimin: 😐

Kookie: Grace.... I've learned to just go with it!

Grace: I see why!

Jin: Can one of you set the god damn table.

Grace: I will.

Jin: It's OK. You need to rest for tomorrow.

Grace: No! I will help! Let me escape!

Jin: OK!

I swear to god the more we talk in this chat the weirder it gets. Then again that's what happens to the best of chats and ours was definitely the best.

God help Chanyeol on that date though. Especially with Grace's personality.

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