I Love Him

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Tae's POV

OK! A new day! A new start! Jimin had been kinda distant with Kookie lately. It was a shame considering how close they were before. Jungkook's getting upset I can tell. They used to be inseparable. Kookie even told me he thought he was in love with Jimin. I devised a cunning plan in my head. They needed to be besties again. The three amigos must be reunited. As I was walking to school A pigeon flew past me and that got me thinking... Do pigeons have sky schools? Are they better because they're closer to heaven instead of hell? Sky high was a good film. Do they go there? Oh god. I'm getting off topic again. Why do I always do this?

"Damnit Tae," I thought referring to myself in the third person.


I woke up at six am and groggily dragged myself out of bed in order to get dressed and go to school. I was determined... Today would be a better day!

Today was the day that Jimin the emo child would be cast away and I'd be born a new man. A happier man. No more dwelling on what I couldn't have. I smiled as I made my way to school. My school grew wider when I saw my friends waiting for me from across the courtyard. Mostly because of Kookie...but Tae as well.

Anyway, I walked towards them with a new spring in my step. I got there to see that Tae had a suspicious smile in his face.

Wonder what that was about.

I smiled at Kookie as he pulled me into a hug.

"I missed your smile Hyung," he said a matching smile on his handsome face.

Happiness filled me and I couldn't stop my smile from growing. I always told myself that my crush on Kookie would pass. That I wasn't in love with him. Or at least I wouldn't be forever.

This was the moment that I, Park Jimin, realised that I was caught in a lie.

Every time I told myself being gay was just a phase.

Caught in a lie.

Every time I told myself I didn't love him.

Caught in a lie.

Every time I ever thought that that Jungkook might possibly return those feelings.

I was caught in a lie.

That's OK though. All I can do was be the best, best friend that I could be.

Jungkook's happiness would always be my priority, because this was the moment I realized that I was head over heels and there was no turning back.

A/N Cry Beaches. Yas I'm evil. 😈

Lol Jk. Am I the only person that reads that as Jungkook?

- losthobi

Caught In A Lie - KookMin [✔]Where stories live. Discover now