The Date

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Jimin's POV

We waited in the living room ready to bombard Grace with a million questions when she returns from her date. We had been waiting all week for this very day. I was watching the clock almost as much as Jin. Which was definitely a feat and a half. He'd been watching the clock since the moment Chanyeol had ushered her out the door. So had I. We all knew he would not be happy if she was even a minute late. She probably knew it too.

She was due back at nine o'clock. It was 8:45 pm now. Now all seven of us were sat in the livingroom. Eagerly waiting for the return. staring at the second's hand as it made its way closer to the desired number.

8:50 pm.

Still waiting!


Is Yoongi asleep!?


She walked through the door.

We all immediately ran up to her all aiming a different question in her general direction.

"Are you OK?"

"Did you have a good time?"

"Are you together?"

"Are you going out again?"

"Do I need the spoon?

I watched as the interrogation continued. Grace merely smiled and shook her head fondly at our display of care.

"Yes I'm OK" she started "Yes I had a good time, yes we are together. Yes we are going out again. No you do not need the spoon"

We all processed the information she'd told us before The ran to hug his best friend at the knowledge of her new found relationship.

Grace just put up with our hugs at this point. (She was very heavily claustrophobic.) Shed gotten used to our koala bear natures and so as a result we didn't trigger her claustrophobia any near as much as we used to.

We were all happy that Grace and Chanyeol had gotten together. We were very happy that this had worked out for her. I smirked before saying...

"Soon we won't be the only engaged couple" making everyone who was actually in a couple.... Well everyone, blush as red as a tomato.

Kookie laughed knowing what I was trying to do. It's not my fault he needs to hurry up. He told me and Kookie that he wanted to propose weeks ago. What was he waiting for?

Grace went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

She was on the phone with one of her friends from back home. She was from England actually. She had a few friends she liked to keep in touch with none the less. We could only understand snipeys of her English anyway. Namjoon was he only one who could understand what the phone call was actually about.

She then retreated phone, artbook and tea in hand into her bedroom. We were so happy for her. We couldn't wait to see how her relationship would develop. But we all knew that if Chanyeol hurt her Jin would go and buy a spoon!

Kookie and Is wedding plans were coming along excellently and we couldn't wait until he proposed as well. Our hearts were bursting with pride as we thought of our friends bright futures. I couldn't wait until the day me and Kookie finally got married. We had even already chosen the date. Jin was still being murder with the wedding plans but it was OK. At least he knew what he was doing.

We sat down and decided to watch a wedding planning programme. Just to tease him.

Me and Kookie had to muffle our laughter as he turned bright red.

Caught In A Lie - KookMin [✔]Where stories live. Discover now