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Jimin's POV

The next day was a school day. Monday. Let's just say we were all eager to get back into the usual routine of school considering all that had happened over the weekend.

Tae and BamBam were celebrating their one month anniversary and Jin was complimenting his seatmate Sehun on the pink in his newly dyed rainbow hair. He claimed it was "f**king fabulous."

Kookie was eating cookies. I shook my head. Such a cannibal. Hoseok and Yoongi had fallen asleep at their desks. Oh god, Yoongi's curse is contagious? I heard the headmaster once tried to refer Yoongi to a sleep clinic. It didn't work. Yoongi had absolutely nothing wrong with him. He just liked to sleep and could you blame him?

Kookie smiled at me and back-hugged me just as the lesson had begun. I loved him so much. Every one of his smiles is contagious to me.

Anyway... As the lesson started Mrs Sadist came up behind Yoongi and slammed his textbook on the desk, waking him with a start.

"Bitch," he said under his breath as the two glared at each other. Kookie and I heard him though and promptly burst out laughing making everyone close to us laugh as well.

When we finally left the lesson, which was practically full of mental suffering, I put on my SoundCloud playlist and let the first song fill my ears.

View by SHINee

I'd always loved this song to be honest. It was just too good.

I then suffered through maths with Mr Makes Me Sleep and Science with Mrs Under explain.

This particular nickname was given to the teacher by one of Tae's best friends. Grace, I think her name was. This teacher under-explained everything and always left her students absolutely baffled as to what they had to do next, hence the name. It was so annoying. She droned on and on for what seemed like hours nine of us fully understanding what she was actually saying. I'm just going to listen to a couple of podcasts about this sh*t and I'll be fine.

Just kidding I am definitely failing. As is everyone else in this room. The playlist had been the only thing rescuing me from my bordem.

By this point the song had switched to Energetic by Wanna One.

I practically danced along to it as I left the class and walked down the corridor and out of the school gates. Kookie had promised to take me on a date after school and I couldn't wait.

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