The Charge To Victory

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Jimin's POV

I had never been so terrified in my life. My heart racing as I watched the other team. Team Namjin. Spoons in hand. Jin knew how to use a spoon, especially to maim people. Kookie had made sure to hide behind the sofa, protecting his balls. Hoseok was still on the floor in pain and Yoongi wanted nothing more than sleep but if he tried to leave the room..... the consequence could be loss of limb.

Jin, ever being the merciful king, gave us all a few minutes to plan our next move. We decided that we would charge. Charge to victory. Charge to sleep in Yoongi's case. The moment Jin called for time in we ran. Ran towards the hallway. Ran towards safety. Heart's pounding. Jin looked at us in surprise before throwing his spoon. We heard a scream but it was impossible to tell which one of us had been hit. Once we reached the hallway we looked to see who was missing. Which one of our comrades had been hit!

Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.

We ran back to the living room to see Jin leaning over our fallen friend. Tears being shed! We all gathered around his body. Looks like he took being hit as an excuse to fall asleep.

Jin was tearful. He couldn't believe his spoon had hit his longest friend. His best friend!

We watched in stunned silence as he swore he'd never use a spoon for the purpose of evil again!

Hoseok had already been knocked out due to the pain that had been caused to hin earlier. He had no idea. No idea that his boyfriend lay slain on the living room floor.

Namjoon was back hugging Jin. Trying to comfort his boyfriend. However the only words Jin dared to say were....

"What have I done?"

Snores and sobs were all that could be heard. Kookie then chose the worst moment to come up from behind the sofa and ask "What did I miss? Why's Jin sobbing over a sleeping Yoongi"

He made sense. I mean Yoongi slept all the time. That, However didn't stop Jin from glaring at Kookie and screaming "He was my best friend"

"Hyung" Kookie started putting his hand delicately on Jin's shoulder. "

Jin inspected the body to see that Yoongi was indeed sleeping.

"Oh' he said. Jin looked to the right of him to see the remnants of what was his spoon. He looked at all he'd done. He'd knocked out two, one was still holding his balls and his spoon was in half. None of this had been worth it. Too many had been injured in this war. Too many innocents.

As an act of great symbolism. He grabbed every wooden spoon in the house and ceremoniously threw them out of the window.

" OW." We heard from the street below.

Random street dude would be the last person those spoons would ever hurt.

From that day on wooden spoons were banned in the Bangtan Household and the others all moved in feeling safe and assured there would be no further casualties.

Especially after Namjoon hid the rolling pin.

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