Jin's Solution

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Jimin's POV

It was the night of graduation when it happened. We had just graduated and we were all overwhelmed with happiness and emotion. Kookie and I could finally start planning our wedding.

That, however, was not what had happened. Jin was grumpy that he had not yet convinced Grace to date Chanyeol. So after graduation had finished he grabbed the two of them and locked them in the English classroom without telling us.

I got a mysterious text from her number at 2 am saying

Grace: Can you pick me up?

Jimin: Where have you been?

None of us could find you!

Grace: I just managed to climb out of the window. Twas effort.

Jimin: What do you mean?

Grace: Jin locked me in the English classroom.

Jimin: What! Why!?

Grace: With Chanyeol...

Jimin: ooh... Are you together?

Grace: ... We have a date on Friday.

Jimin: SHIP!!

Grace: Oi! Just pick me up please.

Kookie and I immediately rushed to the car and drove to the front of he school where we saw Grace who had twigs in her hair due to falling over when climbing through the window. Her glasses were broken also. Good thing she had a spare pair at home, I thought to myself. We drove her home. We didn't dare talk to her due to the fury on her face.

"Six Hours!" She muttered to herself. I'm guessing she was stuck in that room for six hours.

When we got home she disappeared into her room to go to sleep. Muttering to herself about how Jin would hear about it in the morning. God save Jin.

The next morning everyone woke up and went into the kitchen to see Namjoon restraining Grace as she tried to cause damage to his Boyfriend. She kept yelling "SIX HOURS" as she tried to claw her way out of Namjoon's arms.

"It worked didn't it?" He asked. Well more like yelled. He'd won. Grace knew it. She was stumped. Namjoon no longer had to restrain her and she was just staring at Jin admiring defeat as she saw his determined face.

"Fine" she sighed before hugging Jin in apology and collapsing on the sofa being too lazy to do anything else. Jin sat next to her and attempted to give her fashion advice for her date.

He held up his signature pink hoodie and she fled the room to find something blue.

"Blue is more my colour" she told him as she raided her closet and drawers. He smiled slightly disappointed but understanding and actually came back with a blue hoodie he'd stolen from Namjoon's closet. Grace's fa e lit up in joy.

"THANKS SO MUCH JIN" She yelled huuging him gratefully as she took his gift.

Ever since Grace had helped him suprise Namjoon on their anniversary Jin had felt like he owed her. Even though she'd told him countless times that he didnt. That it was a favour he didn't have to return. He was desperate to pay her back though. I guess that's why he was so eager to set her up with Chanyeol.

Well... Let's hope Jin's determination doesn't lock anyone else in any English classroom's.

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