The War Begins

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Narrator's POV

Kookie sat on the sofa in his home with a bag of frozen peas held to his... affected area. The pain was almost overwhelming and he was cursing Jin with every fibre of his being.

The seven boys had recently been considering moving in together. Let's just say Kookie was reconsidering his decision.

"Not while Jin is in possession of wooden spoons," he thought to himself. Jimin was furiously texting Jin about the ordeal. All whilst Kookie was in so much pain. How could Jin do this to him?

After Jimin had finished yelling at Jin via group chat he came to the sofa and hugged Kookie like a koala. Trying desperately to make him feel better. He was still in so much pain, he even shed a few tears. If this was revenge for the air hockey incident he was definitely sorry now!!

He decided that he would move in with the other's but spoons were off limits. He even texted Hoseok to infiltrate Jim's kitchen and throw them away.

He succeeded but he too was hit in the area. It was a noble sacrifice.

It was a massacre of balls. (A/N I'm so sorry😂) Bringing tears to all those on the opposing side of the war. Namjoon was in awe of his boyfriends' destructive power. They really were meant to be. He thought he was the good of destruction, it made sense that his future spouse would share his power.

They later returned to Jin's house only to find chaos. Jin was stood in the door of his kitchen holding his spoon in defence. Hoseok was on the floor in pain. Namjoon was hiding behind jin, not daring to go against his boyfriend. Yoongi and Tae were holding pans as shields. Jin had scavenged all his spoons from the bin. Kookmin were scared shitless and quickly joined Yoongi and Tae behind the protective barrier that was stainless steel.

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