Group Chats

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Jin created a group chat

Jin added Namjoon

Jin added Jimin

Jin added Kookie

Jin added Hoseok

Jin added Yoongi

Jin added Taehyung

Jin: Hey.

Hoseok changed Jim's nickname to "Stalker"

Stalker: I will beat you!

Yoongi: Don't!

Stalker changed his nickname to "Pink Prince"

Namjoon changed Pink Prince's nickname to "Admit It"

Yoongi changed his nickname to "Let me sleep"

Yoongi changed Admit It's nickname to "Jin"

Jin: Ok!

Jimin: Hi!

Kookie: What's everyone up to.

Hoseok: Homework. Mrs Sadistic B*tch set it.

Jin: Language!

Kookie changed Jim's nickname to "hypocrite"

Hypocrite: I will beat you!

Taehyung changed Jim's nickname to "Will beat the world"

Will beat the world: OK..... I'm happy with that one.

Namjoon: You just don't want them to change it to something worse.

Will beat the world: Shush.

Let me sleep: I'm sleeping.

Kookie: Then how did you send that!

Let me sleep: I'm talented b*tch

Will beat the world: Calm Children.

Namjoon: You're not their parent!

Will beat the world: Attack Children!

Hoseok: Why did Kookie run in and start wacking Namjoon.

Will beat the world changed Kookie's nickname to "Good Child"

Good Child: Thanks!

Namjoon: Get Off!

Will beat the world: Yas!! Now apologise and I'll call him off.

Namjoon: Sorry

Will beat the world: Good!! Children! Leave him!!

Taehyung: Awww

Taehyung changed their nickname to "Tae"

Tae: Gotta go. BamBam's here.

Let me sleep: One less person to keep me awake!!

Hoseok: You sleep too much.

Yoongi: Get Lost.

Hoseok: Sorry!!!

Yoongi: -_-

Jimin: OK... This chat has gone to hell. All I did was say Hi!

Good child: Sorry Jimini-Hyung!!

Will beat the world: I bought ingredients for dinner. You're all coming over!

Good child: why?

Will beat the world: Read! My! Nickname!

Good Child: We'll be there by 6

Will beat the world: Read Your nickname!

Good Child: I'm not a child.

Will beat the world: Yes you are

Good Child: Jimin! HE'S BEING MEAN!

Jimin: OK

Good Child: Jimin!

Jimin: Sorry!

Jimin: Not sorry

Good Child: JIMIN!!

Jimin: Crap! I was meant to send that to Hoseok.

Good Child: ..... The sofa exists beach

Will beat the world: It's 5:47!

Good Child: Crap!! We'll be there in ten minutes.


A/N This was my little introduction to the group chat feature!

-  losthobi

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