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Jungkook's POV

I arrived home, taking my phone out of the bubble wrap case that I'd put it in after all the times Jimin had knocked me to the ground. What has been up with him lately? I decided that I'd call the person that called me earlier to see what they wanted.


Kookie: Hello! Who is this?

Jin: I'm Jin. One of Jimin's friends.

Kookie: Oh! Hi!

Jin: I'm going to be straight with you. Haha straight! Anyway to the point. Do you like Jimin?

Kookie: Um...

Jin: Tell the truth or I'll beat you.

Kookie: Yes, Yes I do! I'm telling the truth I swear.

Jin: Good! Now tell him!

Kookie: Ok.

He hung up!

I decided to call Hoseok maybe he could give me some advice on how to tell Jimin. Let's face it I couldn't disobey Jin! He seemed like he cared about Jimin a lot. I found myself wondering how they even knew each other. He's obviously not straight because he giggled when he tried to say it! I really hope Jimin doesn't like him or anything! I didn't want to be rejected. I've been in love with Jimin since the day I met him.

After I got off the phone with Hoseok... I was pleasantly surprised with the knowledge that Jimin liked me too.

I was immediately filled with a bubbly excitement and what could only have been described as an overwhelming joy and love for non-other than Park Jimin.

I ran out of my front door and all the way to Jimin's house. When I got to his front gate though... I hesitated. What if Hoseok lied to me? Not that I thought he would but that fear if the rejection was still deep within me.

I hesitantly knocked on the turquoise door. Jimin answered it.

"Hi" I said to him awkwardly. "Jin called me" I continued.

It was then that I saw the same look in his eyes that I saw every time he tackled me to the ground.


Absolute fear!

"I love you" I told him quickly. It only took a second before jimin hugged me so hard and so suddenly that I was... Once again... Tackled to the floor.

Just then I felt warn water on my chest and looked down to see Jimin crying. Real Tears! Takes of complete and utter joy. He was smiling his widest smule through his tears and I just wanted to hug him forever. My one true love.

"I love you too" he muttered back. I find it key to mention we are both still on the floor at this point. He still wouldn't let me up and we just stayed there on the floor in each others embrace before eventually falling into a calm and relaxing sleep.

A/N They are together! 

- losthobi

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