Jin's Revenge

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Jimin's POV

The next day when we went to school we saw Jin pestering Sehun about the pink in his rainbow hair.....again!

Sehun was practically begging Mrs Sadist to let him move seats whilst Grace, who was sat at the back of the class, laughed her head off at the antics of the two.

That girl never missed a moment to laugh at all the chaos. Especially when it included Jin's pink obsession. Suddenly the reason why she and Tae were friends became very clear in our minds. Although now that I think about it we had never spoken to her. Probably because Tae had yet to actually introduce her to us.

Anyway, on with the lesson. We were studying a play entitled Blood Brothers. It actually seemed pretty good so far. At least it wasn't cringey like the Romeo and Juliet assignment.

The English teacher just glared at us all daring us to speak as we read the play.

When the class finished I waited for Kookie to come out. When I saw Kookie leave class I smiled at him widely as I remembered our date the previous night. We basically just watched movies all night back at the Bangtan House. We yelled at Jin when he tried to turn it into a double date and then fell asleep on the sofa.

As he smiled back I swear I fell for him even deeper than I already had. He really was my favourite person on earth.

I quickly latched onto him, giving him a back hug. He tried to get to his next lesson but I wouldn't let him go. He ended up just dragging me down the corridor as I clung on. People were staring but I didn't care. I was just showing my Kookie that I loved him. Not that he didn't know......but still.

Due to being sat next to Kookie in most of that day's lessons, it was easy to subject myself to the mental torture.

When we got home we saw that Jin had already arrived and was sat on the sofa waiting for us all to arrive. We sat down just as he got up to put the tv on.

"Get Out!" He yelled.

"Did you seriously wait for us to come home just so you could get revenge for yesterday" Kookie questioned him making Jin nod his head very enthusiastically before inviting Yoonseok to sit down in our place.

Jin was a freaking savage sometimes. We concluded as we went to our room. We decided to watch a new anime series Taehyung had been taking about. The one that Grace had recommended to him. It was called "Hetalia: Axis Powers."

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