New Friends

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Jimins's POV

Hoseok was missed. Life went on. The next day we decided to go to Kookie's house before school.

When we got there I stepped through the white front door and entered the light blue themed living room. The familiar weight in the pocket of my trousers reminded me that my phone was still there. It was taunting me.
"Call Hoseok" I could practically hear it begging me.

Well.... Long story short I called Hoseok.Tae and I ended up wrestling the phone out of my hands whilst Jungkook just ate breakfast. Thanks for the help Kookie. That was sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

Anyway the phone call was abruptly ended when Tae's attempt to wrestle the phone from my hands ended with it landing in the sink. -_-

"He's buying a new one" I thought rescuing my phone from the depths of soapy water.

I managed to save the Sim card though.
"At least I wouldn't have to change my number" I thought as I walked to school.

Luckily Tae had decided to stop off at the local technology shop and bought me a new one. I thanked and hugged him as I put in my Sim card. I put in the Sim and turned it on to see all my texts and contacts still there. Thank God!!

That was when I got an unexpected text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hi! Is this Jimin?
Jimin: Who are you?
Unknown: I'm one of Hoseok's new friends.
Jimin: OK! How did you get my number?
Unknown: I might've... Sorta. I took his phone when he wasn't looking.
Jimin: Sounds like something Tae would do TBH
Unknown: I approve of Hoseok's choice of friends!!
Jimin: Thanks!
Unknown: I'm worldwide handsome Jin!!!

The bell went preventing me from sending another text to the mysterious person Hoseok called a friend.

As I entered Art, I sat next to Kookie. He smiled at me.
It almost gave me hope that one day my love will be requited.

I can't tell you his many times I've tried to move on. How desperate I am to do so. I've even tried to convince myself that I'm not gay just to avoid the pain. Just to survive the pain.

I guess I just have to accept the grim truth. I am in love with Jeon Jungkook and I'm never going to stop. I will forever be wishing, waiting for the day where he says yes but it will never come.

Why is it that I know how to fix everyone's relationship problems but my own. Why did life like to knock me down the moment I get back up.
Why couldn't Kookie love me? Why couldn't he see that I loved him.

A/N Thank You for reading Jimin's depressing thoughts. Shout out to  TweekIsCraigsBoiyo who helped me a lot with the stories in this series. So thank you! I promise Jimin will be more fun (boys) soon!

- losthobi

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