His Proposal

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Jimin's POV

He was going to propose today. He told us he would. We had told him constantly to not be afraid. I mean Jin loved him with all his heart. Why would he say no?! They'd been together for about two years. Kookie and I had been together for one and we were perfectly happy together. Heck in three months there's going to be bells!

So I'd say we were a lot more than just perfectly happy. Yoongi and Hoseok were perfectly happy me and Kookie were getting married!!

We patted Namjoon on the back and shoved him head first into the kitchen where Jin was preparing breakfast. We put our ear to the door to hear what was being said. Don't Judge. So we eavesdropped but this was vital so we are allowed.

"H-Hi J-Jin Hyung" we heard Namjoon stutter. Jin immediately picked up on his boyfriend's nervousness.

"What's wrong?! Tell me now!"

"I love you" Namjoon started to say.

"And that's an issue!? I'm fabulous" Jin claimed incredulously making Kookie giggle. I tapped him in a warning. If he laughed we'd be found.

"Its not an issue if you say yes"

We opened the door and peaked inside. Jin looked so confused.

"Will you marry me?" Namjoon asked, slightly timid. We heard a "YES!!" And a loud crash. We peaked through the door once more to see that Jin had hugged him so hard he'd knocked him straight to the floor. Like I did to Kookie when he confessed. Maybe Jin would be so busy planning his own wedding he'd forget about us! I was excited at the idea of freedom. However little did I know how wrong I was. Jin had basically just decided to get our plans over and done with faster meaning he was five times more annoying. However it all worked out in the end. Me and Kookie went on to have a beautiful wedding and so did Namjin. Yoonseok eventually got engaged. So did Tae and BamBam. Chanyeol was considering asking Grace and life was good.

I thought back to the beginning and all I could say was I'm definitely no longer caught in a lie.

Caught In A Lie - KookMin [✔]Where stories live. Discover now