Chapter 5

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Michael's POV

I led the three of us outside, following the other students who seemed to know where to go. Apparently, Pop Century had many different buildings that were all themed differently. There was ten different places that someone could stay. Some of the older kids led the way. We were walking outside as they were separated buildings. They stopped in front of a building. I looked up and grinned. There was a giant rubix cubic next to it. It was ginormous! There was stairs that lead up to it. 

Excitedly, we raced up the stairs. Everyone had big grins on their faces. We were kids again.  Not angst, inappropriate, teens. No, seven year old kids. As soon as we go to the top, of course, Mr, Iconis called us down saying that the Rubin cube was not connected to the part where we were staying. We all groaned. But, we raced each other back down the stairs that went through the giant rubix cube. Mr. Iconis pointed to a building just next to the rubix cube. I smiled as I saw the theme. Pac Man. Jeremy came up to my side and we shared a grin before racing once again after our fellow schoolmates. 

There were decorations in the building. Sharp colors on a black surface represented the game. Along with the colors, were many separated repeated pac man structures. I smiled even more as we started to climb the regular stairs to get to the third floor where we all would be staying. We got to the third floor and started to search for our rooms. After about five minutes of searching, we find a row of eight rooms. Mr. Iconis got his own room. There was six groups of three and one group of two. 

Christine waited impatiently behind my back as I fumbled with the card. I did not know which side was the key side! How could I know? This is my first time here. Finally, I manage to open the door. The room was a decent size. Sadly, the room was not pac man themed like the rest of the building. There was two beds and a pull out couch. It was neat but small. There was a bathroom, of course. In front of the two beds, was a tv standing on a table. A good hotel room. I allowed Jeremy and Christine to have one of the king sized beds while I got the other. I plopped my stuff down and dropped onto the bed. I did not want to unpack. I just wanted to explore or go to one of the parks. 

"You are going to have to get up," Christine reminded me after I lashed on the bed for a minute. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I mumble, sitting up. I did not really have anything to unpack. I just had my extra clothes and bathroom stuff. That part I could do later. I sighed and waited for Jeremy to finish unpacking his stuff. God, he took so long. But it was nice to just relax and watch him unpack. Geez. That sounds creepy...

There was a knock on the door. "We're getting ready to go to the parks. Are you kids coming?" Mr. Iconis' voice yelled through the door. He really didn't have to yell. But I think Ed he liked it since he never yelled at us. "We're almost ready. Five minutes at most," Jeremy called. I could almost see Mr. Iconis give a thumbs up. " 'Right!" 

Christine stood over Jeremy as he unpacked the rest of his things onto his side of the bed. Jeremy finished and stood up. "We're gonna go to Magical Kingdom, if you wanna come Michael," Jeremy said. I shook my head. "I'll let you guys be. I wanna catch up with a friend of mine anyways." I smiled trying to be convincing. Jeremy believed it. We all walked out together and joined the rest of our classmates. Everyone else was out there waiting for us. 

We followed Iconis back down the stairs to head back to the main lobby. Iconis explained that we could go where we wanted just be back back 7:00. He had explained this already but wanted to refresh us about what to do. He said not to go with anyone you do not know and be careful who you talk to. I lined up with the few kids who were going to Animal Kingdom. Most kids were going to the Magical Kingdom. 

A bus for the Animal Kingdom came before the bus for Magical Kingdom. I waved goodbye to Jeremy and Christine. But mostly to Jeremy. I find a seat and take out of my phone to text George.

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