Chapter 10

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Michael's POV 

I sat listening to Charlie play. His voice was really good. Though, he told me mine was better which I really don't think is true. Charlie played it again and I fingered along. He played for a third  time and then a fourth before I started to do it with him. 

It's how we usually did stuff. Charlie doing it four times then me joining in. I strummed my guitar matching Charlie's movements. Except for a few mess up, I think I did pretty good. After what felt like five minutes, the bell rung. I got up to put my guitar away and moving my seat back to the semi circle around Charlie's chair. 

((Can I PLEASE have George and Charlie do Seasons Of Love together?! Edit: legit the next day after I write this, George posts clips of him singing Seasons Of Love w/ some LGTBQ+ broadway actors and actresses. I'm dead-))  

Students started to come into the room. I smiled as I spotted Jeremy who sat next to me. Both of us loved Charlie. Platonically: because he's such a great teacher! Fine. Everyone loves Charlie! 

Jeremy's POV 

I plopped down next to Michael. Math is the worst. I sighed and take out my music sheets. I look at Michael and smile sadly. He looked at me. "Are you alright, Jer? You've been acting a little weird." I shrug as an answer. Jeez, Jeremy get it together. What is seriously wrong? Before I could elaborate, Charlie starts the class. 


I ran downstairs when I heard the door open. Michael? He didn't say he was coming over... whatever! I nearly ran into Michael as I raced down the stairs. "Hey!" I smiled. The awkwardness was gone. For now, at least. Hopefully, that memory will get buried with other better memories. "Sorry I didn't notify you..." His voice sounded out of it.

I looked at him. "What's wrong?" He shrugs. The silent treatment? No: too early to guess that. But I must deserve this after chorus. I lead him downstairs and turn on the usual video game. Apocalypse of the Damned. I have Michael his controller and sat down next to him on the bean bags. Michael keeps his eyes on the tv. 

"Level 11, the Auditorium," the screen read. I hit the start and we both played in silence. Michael definitely seemed off. He would usually be yelling and shouting while doing this. But not this time. Not even when we lost. 

"Are you sure you are alright?" I ask again. He better tell me what's going on. Was he still upset about whatever made him upset earlier? What was he upset about? Why wasn't he telling me? I'm his best friend! "Michael, please. Tell me what's wrong," I say again. Then Michael does something that surprises me. 

Michael leans forward and kisses me. He kisses me! On the lips! What the hell?! I pull away immediately. "What was that about?" Michael's eyes widen and he shakes his head. "Sorry. I wasn't thinking." I sigh and turn to the screen again. 

Before I could even press start again, a ringing was audible. I look at Michael who grabs his phone. His phone was buzzing. Michael made eye contact with me. "I'm sorry, Jer. I got to go. Can I come back in... an hour?" Slightly confused, I nodded. Michael left silently leaving me on my bean bag shook.

Michael's POV ((angst, angst, angst))

I raced down the street to get to my own house. I felt awful leaving Jeremy. But it's important. To me anyway. I know that sounds selfish, but I really need a friend to talk to that is not intertwined with Jeremy. I ran into my house, slamming open the door and then slamming it shut before running up to my room. 

I went into the call app and tapped the contact reading "Thomas Sanders". ((NO ONE CAN STOP ME I AM INVINCIBLE)) 

My phone rang twice before someone picked up the phone. "Hello?" I grinned. "Thomas. Oh my lord." Thomas. He was just an amazing person. He and I went to the same school before I moved. Yup. It was just me, George, and Thomas then. Imagine that: three little gays running around together, laughing in fifth grade. And no worries, no anxiety attacks, no having to worry about people's rights. Not that that is not important it just can be nerve racking to know what is going on, that's all! 

Thomas has moved to Gainesville which was about two hours ((making that up)) away from Disney so we couldn't see him when the school went there. He was really great to talk to. Like extremely well with advice. 

"What's up?" He asked casually. "I kissed him, Thomas!" My eyes stung. "He pulled away and was mad at me! I think I ruined our friendship." My throat burned as well. I was just rejected. By my best friend. Michael, why did you do that? "Oh, don't think that." Thomas didn't understand. No one did! "I don't think it, I know it! He hates me now. He'll hate me forever. I know it. 

"Michael. Listen to me: everything will be alright. I promise you. Jeremy and you will make up, fix your friendship, if it is broken at all, and become close friends again. I promise you." I shook my head not believing him. My phone buzzed with a text. It was Jeremy.

Heere&weird: mayb u shouldn't come over l8r... hav 2 do something.

I choked sob escaped me. "What happened now?" Thomas asked. My head shook even though I know Thomas can't see me. "Jeremy... j-just texted me that a I-I shouldn't c-come over l-later..." tears were let loose. Thomas never hung up and he waited patiently as I sobbed into my phone. 

Jeremy's POV 

I sat on my bean bag hugging myself. The video game was still on. I hadn't turned it off yet. It's been almost ten minutes. I looked up as the tv shut off. Guilt was filling my stomach. I hurt Michael. Not physically. But I hurt him. I know I did. 

Tears strained my eyes as I remembered the scene.. He couldn't see me like this, guilt-thrived. Then I remembered what I saw earlier. Michael was already hurting and now I've made it worse. "I c-c-uld he-p, Je-e-my" A voice said. I jumped. The SQUIP. It could help me apologize to Michael and make it better for him! 

Wait. No. I won't let him help me. But... it would make Michael better. "Le- me help, I c-n mak- ev-ryt-hing bet-er" I sigh in defeat. I get up and grab a Mountain Dew. I glance at the Red Mountain Dew and grab it as well. For safety just in case. Taking out my phone, I typed an excuse so he couldn't come over. He didn't need to know I was going to turn on my SQUIP. 

I uncap the green bottle and take a swig. It takes a second before I feel anything. The familiar pain behind my ear zapped into play. A human form appeared in front of me. Thank you for that, Jeremy. Now shall we start trying to make Michael feel better? The human SQUIP in front of me looked different before I realized it wasn't  Keanu Reeves. It was someone else. "W-Who are you this time?" I didn't recognize them. 

You don't recognize me, huh. Thought you would. I'm-

((Sorry guys. Cliff hanger. I'm stumped on ideas of who it shoulder be. I have one idea but it'll or trigger most of u guys. Welp. Comment who ur SQUIP is maybe, I'll get an idea. Even if the next part is up, still comment, please! I wanna know who everyone's is.!))

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