Chapter 14

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Michael's POV 

"I'm sorry about all of that, Michael. I'm also sorry about this-" I look up just in time to see Jeremy jump to the closest water gun near him and sprays me with it. I laugh, glad the mood changed in the room. 

I glare at jeremy when he finishes. There's a pause before we both jump at the same water gun. I grab it and spray him even though he's already soaked. I smile at him and blush lightly. Rich snickers and we both realize we aren't alone. 

I turn and just see Rich sitting with his arm crossed and a giant smirk on his face. That triggers something and I jump out of my seat on the floor and exit the room. What was that?! I stop just outside the living room and take a couple deep breaths. 

Rich... he must've gotten on my nerves or something. Goddamn it Rich. Why are you like this. I ran a hand through my hair as Jeremy stepped out of the room. He spotted me and walked over. "Are you ok?" He asks. I nod. "I didn't know about the adoption thing. I'm so sorry." He look sincere. 

I nodded. "I-it's Alright." My voice cracked. "I didn't even know my birth parents. My moms told me about a month ago. They told me that my 'birthday' was the day they adopted me. My real one is in a couple of days but..." 

Jeremy moved to in front of me and I try- and fail- to look away. His blue eyes were perfect. ((I'm sorry but Will Roland's eyes are better than perfect and I  There was a spark in them that I didn't see before. "But what?" Jeremy asks drawing me back. I take a second. "But now.. I'm not sure which birthday I want to celebrate... whatever. I'm just being dramatic." Jeremy shakes his head. 

"Not over dramatic.. just consulting of which birthday you want to choose. Our actual birthday with the parents you've never known or your... old one. The one you've always known; but knowing that it was the day your parents gave you up." 

He described it to the sharpest point. Exactly how I feel. But I can't tell him that. Can I? NoPe. Jeremy looks at for a second. "C'mon. Let's get back to the others." He says already walking back into the room. I sigh and follow him, not making eye contact with anyone as I sit back down.

"Alrighty then. Who's next?" Rich says after a minute of silence. More silence follows. Rich says and takes out his phone. He connects his phone to two large speakers standing on either side of his fire place. Which is off by the way. 

"Anyone have any suggestions?" He asks showing us the YouTube home page. The mood breaks and at the same time we all start yelling or songs to play. Jake gets up and we all stop. "Can you play Nicotine by Panic @ the Disco?" 

Chloe and Brooke start yelling against the song but Rich just smirks at them and plays the song at full blast. I thank you, Rich for putting the girls through so much pain. The song blasts and everyone- even Jenna- is dancing in their seat. Jenna likes Panic? Huh. 

Chloe puts her hand on Brooke's before looking at Rich. "Pause the song. We have something to tell everyone." She gave a small motion toward Jenna to Rich and he nods and pauses then song. 

Jenna's POV

I look at Chloe and feel slightly concerned. She needed to tell everyone something. We? Brooke and Chloe has something to say. Did I know what it was? I thought I was done with being ignored and left out. I thought those days were over. Weren't they? 

Chloe takes a breath and looks directly at me. "Me and Brooke are dating." She says after a moment. Chloe puts an arm around Brooke. "F-for how long?" I ask. "A month," Brooke says quietly. 

I didn't know how to react. Brooke and Chloe were... dating? This isn't a prank right?! I look around the room at my friends. They all nod, confirming that this is not a prank. I nodded slowly. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. 

Brooke answers. "Well, you're reaction to Rich and Jake, and you seem a little homophobic..." Ouch. "I-I'm sorry if I seemed homophobic... I didn't mean it." 

Jake's POV

Their conversation gets muted as I watch Rich scroll through YouTube. We both are trying to find the weirdest song to play. I point at one song. "Hermione Can't Draw" the song title reads. What could possibly go wrong? 

Rich taps the song and puts his phone at full blast again. "Yeah, Herman! Let's see you draw something right now in front of everyone." I hear a voice say. Me and Rich burst out laughing. Everyone else stopped talking and looked at us, confused. 

The song picks up and music starts to play. "Hermione can't draw, Hermione can't draw, Hermione cannot draw." Chloe then bursts. She laughs hard. "I know this song," she manages to say. We all look at her. "She only reads books and she cannot draw, even if reading on how to draw," the song plays. 

"This is from A Very Potter...Sequel!" She laughs more when she sees our blank stares. "It's- a musical from Team- StarKid!" She explains. "Who knows Darren Criss?" We all out up our hands. "A Very Potter Series was how he got famous!" 

The song comes to an end and Chloe finally calms down. Rich had been scrolling through his phone the whole time. A few seconds after the weird song ended, Rich gasped. 

Rich's POV

I looked down at my phone, shocked. There was an artist's name I recognized. It couldn't be... the song was titled "Broadway, Here I Come" and it was by Joe Iconis. Our teacher is named Joe Iconis. 

I showed my phone to everyone and each person gasped when they saw the name. "Who thinks it's really our teacher?" Jenna asks. "I do," I say, quietly. "Mr. Iconis was in Mr. Brackett's room and started talking about he had always wanted to go to Broadway and write shows that would change people's lives." 

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