Chapter 16

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Jeremy's POV

So the rest of the sleepover went... like how it's supposed to go with teens. Gerard left me along to come up with the details of the plan. We finished up with the pizza, we play man hunt, and then we got drunk and I don't really remember what happened after that. I hope nothing bad did. Me and Michael walked back to my house. Dad texted me saying that the Jacksons were waiting for me at home. I asked him if I bring Michael back over. Dad said yes as long as we didn't run off right away. We had to stay and talk to the Jacksons. 

Gerard walked behind us as we walked quietly. Both of us were hungover from last night. It was around 12 pm. Eventually, we got to my house and I took charge taking out my key to the house knowing my dad locked it because of the Jacksons. I unlock the door and lead Michael inside. I'm nervous for what I'm going to find. Should I try to make a good impression on the Jacksons? Gerard nods from behind me. You should try.  

Alright. Let's go. I walk into the living room where I hear voices. Michael and Gerard are behind me. The first person I see is my dad. He actually is wearing a suit. He must really like Sally. I turn my gaze and see a woman sitting at the counter with a boy. The boy is a bit younger than me. The woman looks nice and the kid does too. The both have dark brown hair and the same eyes.  

I'm actually not going to help you with this unless you need it. These will probably be your family in the future so be yourself.    It's funny cause the Keanu-Squip wouldn't do that. "Hi..." I say awkwardly. Michael shuffles his feet at the awkwardness. I take a breath. "I'm Jeremy. This is my friend Michael." Ms. Jackson smiles. "Hi, dear, you can call me Sally. This is my son Percy." Percy just nods. His eyes were on us I can't tell if he likes us or not. How much younger than us is he? I ask Gerard mentally. He's just turned 13.    

I look at my dad, he's gazing at Sally. "So, Jeremy. Your father has told me you have a sweet little girlfriend. What's her name?" I wince and feel Michael rub my back gently. "Me and Christine aren't really together anymore..." I say quietly. Sally shuts her mouth. "I'm sorry." I shrug. "It's alright." I say, you know like a lie? Percy speaks up. "Was she nice?" This makes me think through all the times we had together. Christine in he beginning seems nice and sweet but if she doesn't like you, she shows it. I look at Percy. I nod. Another lie. 

"Why don't you two show Percy around the town?" My dad suggests. Me and Michael nod and Percy goes along with it. We take that as a note to leave The Adults alone. I lead the way out of my house followed by Michael, Percy, and Gerard. We got outside and all looked at Percy.

 Percy's POV

"Have you ever been in Middleboro before?" Jeremy asks. I shake my head. Grover said it was a nice town. I had told my best friend of my mother's secret relationship and that we might move in with her new boyfriend in Middleboro. Grover was my best friend and Annabeth was my girlfriend. I met Grover from school. But the three of us had our secrets. We were all half-bloods. Half-god, half-mortal. Grove is the child of Pan, Annabeth the daughter of Athena, and I'm the son of Poseidon. Each summer we go to a summer-camp/school called Camp Half-blood. 

I don't have Grover's ability to tell if a person is a half-blood or not but I am pretty sure that both boys are half-bloods as well. That doesn't matter right now. Unless we literally get attacked right now. 

Michael's POV

 I feel a buzz in my pocket and take out my phone. It's a text message from Rich. 

Richardwtf- meet me behind seven eleven ASAP. 

Micheel- be right there. 

I sigh and look up at Jeremy and Percy. "I'm sorry guys, I gotta go. My mom needs me." With that, I turn and walk towards my house. As soon as I'm out of sight, I turn and head towards Seven Eleven. My mind comes up with multiple different things Rich would want to talk with me about. 

//hehe drama\\

Rich's POV

So, y'all know I'm bi. I think I've said it a couple of times. Heh. Well, I think I might like Michael. This is bad. Michael and Jeremy are pretty good friends and I kinda think Michael has a crush on Jeremy. But I wanna know if he feels the same way. I'm so worried. Like legit. What will he say? How will he react? Should I kiss him? Should that be how I tell him?  ...Y'all might be wondering about Jake. Jake... he... he left me for Dustin Kropp so that's fun. He told me after everyone left from the sleepover.

A tear forms in my eye but I blink it away. I take a breath and lean against the wall of Seven Eleven, it was nice out. I could only wait for Michael to show up and hope for the best when I tell him. 

Michael's POV 

I arrive at Seven Eleven and make my way behind the store. I put my hood over my head and fidgeted with the bottom of my sweatshirt. Could Rich want to talk about something bad or good? Or something meh? My mind was raving as I spotted Rich. He was looking down he seemed a bit upset. Uh oh. "Hey..." I say quietly as I make my way over to him. Rich looks up and gives me a small smile. I walk closer to him so we are about five feet apart. Rich steps closer to me quickly. I panic internally as he kisses me. 

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