Chapter 17

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Small trigger warning toward the end: almost death, fire

Michael's POV 

Rich kissed me. And I freakin kissed back. Michael, what the hell?! Now if Rich flirts with you in front of Jeremy, he'll think you're with Rich and that I don't like him! I feel my face burn brighter than my sweatshirt as Rich pulls away. His face is red too but not as red as mine. Rich shuffled his feet. "S-sorry.. I didn't know how to tell you.." he said quietly. I take a second before responding. "It's ok... but what about Jake?" Rich looks down and rubs his arm. "Jake left me for Dustin Kropp..." 

We stood in an awkward silence for a minute  or two before Rich broke the silence. "Wanna come back over to my house?" He asks.  My mind drifts to Jeremy. I look down at Rich. And you know what I do? I do the worse possible thing someone could do. 

I ran off. I didn't tell Rich about how I liked Jeremy, or that I didn't really like him back in the same way. Nope. I ran. I left Rich behind me and sprinted. I looked behind me to see if Rich followed me or not. I saw him just watching me go, hurt in his eyes and posture. I felt bad immediately after I made my decision. I make my way to the park. I take out my phone and realize I had an unread text message. 

HeresJohny: hey Michael. Guess who's in town! 

//writer's block.\\

Jeremy's POV

I finally got rid of Percy. I mean the kid was nice and stuff but Gerard was bothering me a lot about getting to the plan. He didn't talk much about his life but he said he had to go to six different schools! That's crazy. Gerard kept quiet during that part for some reason. Anyway. 

Take out your phone. What why? Logan, text Logan. I sigh and take out my phone. Gerard tells me Logan's phone number and I type it into my phone. It comes up blue and I hope Gerard got the number right. I did. 

Heere&weird: Hey Logan! It's Jeremy Heere. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?

Logan responds almost immediately. 

Lo-key: Sure! What time? 

Heere&weird: as soon as you want!

Lo-key: can we meet in like five minutes? Liam is being crazy right now. He is complete different in public and at home. 

Heere&weird: sure. How about... 

Help! Pizza. Jill's Pizza. 

Heere&weird: sure. How about Jill's Pizza? 

Lo-key: ok. Cya in bout five minutes?

Heere&weird: yea. 

Good. I will tell you what to say and do when the time comes. Gerard scanned my outfit. It'll work. It unbuttons. What? You heard me. Wait. That's your plan? Yeah. Logan needs to see a... good reason to like you. If he knows you are good to him, then he'll tell Michael and Michael will get jealous. 

Michael's POV

I smile at the text. 

Micheel: Meet me at the park!

HeresJohny: look to your right, dork. 

I look up from my phone and to the right. I see a teenager grinning at me from about fifty feet away. John Laurens. My cousin. My favwite cousin. I smile back as he walks over. He looks different from me. His skin is lighter plus he actually has freckles. I bet he goes outside WAY more than I do. 

John made his way over to me. "Hey kid! What's up?" John was older than me. Only by two years but still! I sighed. "You know me well, Laurens." I say. "You know Rich? He just kissed me. And I kissed back even though I don't like him that way. And now I think Rich thinks I like him back." John shrugged slightly. "You ran didn't you?" I nod. "You ask Heere out yet?" I look up at John. "No! I couldn't do that!" 

"You kissed Rich and thought you couldn't kiss anyone else besides Heere." He argues back. "I didn't mean too!" "Look at me, Mell. How about you go and talk to Rich and explain everything-" "No." 

"I told Alex," he said quietly after a pause. //no one can stop me\\ I look at him, shocked. John, like me, was gay and had a crush on a guy in his private-fancy-propper school named Alexander. "So you should at least tell Rich or Jeremy himself." Now he had me in a corner. I sigh and give in.  "Alright. But you have to stay behind me." John nodded. I hesitate before turning back to where I had just came from. I started walking back to the Seven Eleven with John behind me. That's when we heard sirens. Lots of them. Me and John both turned to each other before running toward the sirens instead of away from them. 'Maybe there could be someway we could help' was both of our thoughts as we raced toward the sounds. 

Very smart, right?

Soon enough we say red and blue lights coming from bright red fire trucks. The trucks were surrounding a house that was in flames. Three adults were being fought back by firefighters. The firefighters were trying to keep the three from re-entering the house. Of the three, two were woman and one was a man. One was tall and blonde and looked about twenty-five while the other woman was shorter with red hair //hand me down clothes, and a stupid conflicting, must be a Weasley! Ignore my spelling.// and looked about eighteen. The man was older, about forty and was trying the hardest to get pass the firefighters and into the house. 

//not a single soul or soul-less person can stop me.//

All of a sudden, the firefighters stumbled back holding their heads as their helmets were pushed against their skull. The firefighters that were holding the three back dropped to the ground. Other firefighters rushed out to the fallen ones but the man held out an arm causing the firefighters to be flown back. The man didn't even look at them as he raced into the burning house. His voice could be heard from outside the house. He was calling out for someone. "Charles?" He screamed apparently searching the house. Next there was coughing. Soon, the man came racing back out with another man in his arms. "Raven, Jean, get someone who will actually help him!" The man yelled at the two woman. That's when me and John were noticed. One of the woman came running over. "Anyone of you know CPR?" John nodded a bit. 

The woman led John over to the two men. The conscious man almost shoved the other into John's arms. John gave a breath and started the CPR process. 

3rd POV

As John succeeds in giving the unconscious man CPR, Jeremy and Gerard are starting their plans, with no idea what could go wrong. 

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