Chapter 15

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Jeremy's POV 

I leaned forward to see if Rich was telling the truth. I didn't really get a good view when he showed everyone else, so. I looked at the artist. Joe Iconis. Gerard was smiling to himself behind me and I took a quick glance at him when he snickered. What? I asked in my head. Gerard shook his head. Oh, nothing, nothing. 

Rich hits the button and a song starts playing. "I'm high above the city." The song started. Michael nodded. "That does sound like him whenever he comes into Charlie's room and sings along." He said. Eventually, the song ended. Rich scrolled through his phone on YouTube while we sat in silence waiting for the next song to start. 

Rich grinned and looked up at us. "Uh oh," Brooke said. Rich smirked and played the song. I didn't recognize the song, it was a rap. I don't think anyone recognized the song. Michael started grinning too. "Ay, yo, I'm just like my country I'm young scrappy and hungry and I am not throwing away my shot" Michael and Rich sang the lyrics. 

Something shown in Michael's eyes that I hadn't seen. But he wasn't looking back at me, he was looking at Rich. He was looking at Rich. The words echoed in my head. I felt a shock which brought me out of my trance. I couldn't help but look angrily at Gerard. Gerard stood with his arms crossed and his eyes were on me. I shook my head slightly. No-

Gerard nodded. Jeremy, you really can't suppress your feelings like that. I am inside your head. You are obviously jealous. I'm not jealous! Really? You don't see that caring look in Michael's eyes as he was starting at Rich, singing along with him? The look that he has NEVER given you?  

I clench my stomach when Gerard says that. He never has given that look to me. Gerard nods. So you DO have a crush on him. Your just realizing it, aren't you?   I give a small nod. Gerard crosses his arms, satisfied. I assume you want a complete switch again?   Yes. Do it. Gerard disappears and returns a few minuets later. 

The song finishes and Michael and Rich grin at each other. The doorbell rings and Rich jumps up. "Pizza!" He yells and runs to the door. He grabs the pizzas and pays the pizza guy. He walks back to the dinning room where we had all moved to. Rich places the pizzas on the table. "Who has the pac man wallet?" Rich asks. Michael puts up his hand. Rich grins a toothy smile at him. "Well there's fifty dollars less in there." Michael hits Rich playfully. 

He doesn't do that to me...

We all dig into the pizzas. Michael looks at me. "You good dude?" I nod and smile. "Yeah. You?" Michael grins and nods "Yup!" I nod and take a bite of my pizza. The pizza barely went down. I pushed my plate back a bit, not wanting to eat. I don't eat anything until Jake goes to get the ice cream. He comes back with a cookie dough bucket. My favorite. I see Gerard shaking his head but ignore him. Gerard shocks me just as I went for the ice cream. 

Nuh uh. We have to talk.   What? Why?  I sigh and get up. "I'll be right back." Everyone nods but both Michael and Rich look at me. I turn and leave the room. I open the door to the basement. Gerard appears at the bottom of the stairs. "What?" I ask, closing the door and walking down the stairs, my eyes on the SQUIP. Gerard looks back at me. We need a plan. Obviously, Michael will be hard to get but we'll get him eventually.   "I don't have a plan. You're the super computer!" I say. 

Gerard nods. But just how far can I go?     "As far as you need. I just wanna know Michael likes me back..." Gerard nods. I hoped you were going to say that.  I wait for the SQUIP to come up with a plan. A minute passes. Or it feels like a minute. The SQUIP looks up and studies me. I stand still and let him do it.   Ok. We have to convince Michael to like you. Just like we did with Christine. Somehow we have to make him jealous.  "Ok.... who first?" 

Well. I scanned Michael and found who he likes. He is definitely gay. He just doesn't admit it. He likes a couple of people including you but is not sure who he wants to go with. You have to convince him that you are worthy of it and you are great to... deal with. So, we'll have to go with someone he likes. I suggest either Logan or Liam. Michael likes both of them and is in contact with both of them. I have scanned them both too. Logan is also gay and Liam is bi. 

Both choices will have a good impact on our plan if you do it right. It's up to you on who to choose. We'll go from there. 

"Ok. I think I'll go with..." 

Michael likes Liam a little more but is contact with Logan more as Logan is more verbal and talks more. Logan will tell Michael about you, Liam MIGHT keep it to himself.  

"Logan? Let's go with Logan." Gerard nods. He disappears and I head back upstairs. I sit back down and take some ice cream. I finish the bowl just as Gerard appears. I have everything planned out. You just have to do everything right.  I picture a middle finger in my head and try to force it on the SQUIP. There are easier ways to do that.  How? I ain't telling you. Helpful. I try. Let's get to work.

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