Chapter 9

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Michael's POV 

"Bye, Mikey!" My mum called. I sighed and pulled my hood on as I opened the door. It was Monday. 

Mondays suck.

I exited my house and headed down the usual path to school. My mind was somewhere else. Who knows where? I never know. I feel a tap on my shoulders and turn. "Oh, hi ((Mark)) Rich." I say. Rich smiles. "How was Disney?" Rich had become a lot nicer since the SQUIP incident. Like a lot better. I shrugged. "It was alright..." 

Did he know about Christine and Jeremy? "What's up?" Rich asked. I shook my head. "N-Nothing." NOPE. DON'T YOU DARE, MICHAEL. DON'T YOU DARE. But like Jeremy was hurt... he still is. NO. DO NOT CRY. DON'T. I don't think he ever was truly happy on that trip. I didn't succeed helping him... it's my fault if he's still upset. IT IS NOT YOUR FAILT. 

Don't do it. Don't do- c'mon Michael! 

A tear fell from my cheek and Rich pulled me close. It wasn't Jeremy, but it was comfort. I leaned into Rich for a solid two minutes before he pulled away. He looked up at me. There was a light blush on his cheeks but we both ignored it. 

Jeremy's POV

I stopped walking and started at what was in front of me. Rich was hugging Michael: who was... crying? What- 

Something jumped in my stomach. I didn't know what, though? Rich turned his head and I immediately ran off. Did he see me? Shit! I raced down the road away from Rich and Michael. Of course, with my luck I run into my best friend crying into our former enemy (who has a fucking crush on Michael! He yelled it when we were in the hospital together!). 

Michael must like Rich in return... he never hugged me like that. Wait. Was I jealous? Why am I jealous?! I shouldn't be jealous! I should be happy that Michael is happy... he was crying. C'mon Jeremy. Get it straight! ((Ha)) 

I stopped and took a deep breath. I hear a sound making me jump. My hands come up as a reflex and I notice Liam and Logan. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Logan says. "We saw you running from our house-." Logan points to a small house across the street. "-and we were wondering if you're alright." I nod. "Yes. I'm fine thanks." 

"Really? You don't seem like it," Liam says. I nod again. "Just on my way to school, that's all. I thought I was late," I make up a quick lie. Liam believed me. Phew. Safe. For now, at least. "Do you want us to walk with you?" Logan asked making Liam go back to his silent self. "Sure, that'll be nice." Logan smiles and me and Liam follow behind him as he starts to walk. 

Liam looks at me. "What happened?" He asked softly. I look up at him and shake my head. Nothing important happened, right? Only me finding my friend crying to his former bully, that's all! 

Rich's POV ((le gasp)) 

Was that Jeremy? Eh, whatever.

I held Michael's shoulders. My arms were a little uncomfortable because of the reach I had to make, but I ignored it. My eyes met his. "Come on, we better get to school..." I said softly, trying to make my voice as soothing as I could. 

I took Michael's hand and started to lead him toward the school. He followed willingly (or I hope willingly). He sped up so he could walk next to me. I saw him wipe his eyes. "It's gonna be alright," I said. Sure: I didn't know what was wrong but I would try to help. 

Michael's POV ((Sry Guys, gonna back to my friendoh now))

I stopped myself from  trying to pull away from Rich. Yeah, now he was a nice guy... but ya know. I stayed silent and soon we reached the school. As we did I spotted Jeremy walking toward the school with Liam and Logan. 

I look at Rich, debating my options. Stay with Rich and not start crying again or go over to him and risk the chance of crying in front of everyone. Let's risk it cause I hate myself! Yay!!!

I let go of Rich's hand. "I'm gonna join Jeremy, our can come if you want..." Rich nods and follows me over to the three of them. I smile and Jeremy and he smiles back. But something was wrong... but what? 

Together, we all walk into our school. We walk fast, we were kind of late... Rich goes off to join Jake while Liam and Logan go get their stuff down their hall. Me and Jeremy end up walking in silence toward our homerooms which were across the hall from each other. I wave an always goodbye to him and he waves back before we both turn and find a seat.

That was extremely... weird. 

I turn my attention to the front of the class as the bell rings. Mr. Tracz stood up from his desk. The usual attendance sheet was in his hands. He started reading off last names. "Anderson... Anderson... Bailey... Balti..." he read tiredly. Everyone's always tired on Mondays. Mondays suck, like really, they do. "Mell?" "Heere" I called back. 

Mr. Tracz eventually finished and took lunch orders. I didn't get any of the choices. I get the slushy from Seven Eleven. Deh. ((Hehehe)) The bell rung again signaling that it was time to leave home room and go to our first class. Next was band. Band class for me was a solo class since I was the only one who played guitar and took classes Heere. I had chorus after band so I just stayed in the music room for two periods. 

I get up and started for the band room. My guitar was in the room and my music was in my back back so I could just go straight to the band room. "Hey, Charlie!" I said as I entered the band room. Charlie was the music teacher. He was about five years older than students here. Mr. Rosen was what we are supposed to call him, but he likes it better if we call him Charlie. 

Charlie waves at me. "Heya Michael!" I smile and get my guitar from the back room where the instruments were held. Charlie's guitar was already out. One of his guitars that is. He had his acoustic guitar out. Sometimes he played his electric guitar and let me try to use it. I had an acoustic so it was nice to feel the difference between the two. ((I do not play guitar lol))

I pulled up a chair next to his. Charlie has a sheet of music in front of him and passed it over to me so I could put it on a music stand.  "Seasons of Love from Rent" the title of the notes read. "Good choice," I say to Charlie. He smiles. "Glad you like it." 

I look at the notes and start to practice strumming them before we start. The notes didn't look hard but they didn't look easy. Charlie moves closer to me. "Ok. Let's get goin'." He says smiling. Charlie's the smily type who also brightens your day. He's good a person: Charlie.

Charlie strapped his guitar around his shoulders and smiled at me. He played the music first along with singing the lyrics. 

" 'Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutesFive hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsetsIn midnights, in cups of coffee

In inches, in miles
In laughter, in strifeIn five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the lifeHow about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of loveFive hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?In truths that she learned
Or in times that he cried
In bridges he burned
Or the way that she diedIt's time now to sing out
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friendsRemember the love
Remember the love
Remember the love
Measure in love
Measure, measure your life in loveSeasons of love
Seasons of love'." 

((Sry bout the lyrics. Can't help myself. ;) ))

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